Validate Etherscan’s transaction with Infura, MyCrypto, and MyEtherwallet

Kaven Choi
2 min readDec 3, 2018


EthValidate is a tool designed to help users to validate any transactions, addresses, and token balances on the Etherscan’s node with other nodes on the Ethereum blockchain.

On Etherscan, users can validate any transaction by clicking into Tools & Utilities > Validate Transaction. This will bring open up a new page that shows the transaction hash (txhash), status, and information related to the transaction from another Ethereum node.

These public nodes are provided courtesy of the great folks at MyCrypto, MyEtherWallet, Infura. For node provider who wishes to point to their note, they can kindly create an issue on Github and provide us with the node URL.

Other than validating transactions, EthValidate also allows users to validate addresses and check token balances.

EthValidate is an open sourced tool, can be downloaded and run locally. If you find any bug, kindly raise an issue on Github.

