
8 min readNov 2, 2018


We — KvT, Agente Costura, Dragons, Otolitos, and Stephen Doyle — did a tour in late September and early October 2018, through central Europe. Here’s how it went.

KvT · Stephen Doyle
September 22., 2018 · DAT Fest, State Studio, Berlin

KvT and Stephen played at the DAT Fest 2018, along with many other wonderful weirdos.

DAT Fest 2018 — setting up
KvT · DAT Fest 2018
KvT · DAT Fest 2018
Stephen Doyle · DAT Fest 2018

Agente Costura · Stephen Doyle · KvT
September 24., 2018 · Experimontag at Madame Claude, Berlin

We played at Experimontag, the regular Monday experimental music night at Madame Claude. Not many photos, sorry.

Cool poster
All-out promotional blitz reaches its peak

Then it was into the van for the trip to Leipzig.

KvT · Otolitos · Stephen Doyle
September 28., 2018 · Spelunke, Leipzig

We played at the Krachsalon night at Spelunke in Leipzig — a former factory building.

KvT · Spelunke, Leipzig
KvT · Spelunke, Leipzig

Some van-repacking the following morning, before leaving.

“Trust me, I know what I’m doing”

Then a quick drive to Lesecafé Odradek in Chemnitz.

KvT · Dragons · Stephen Doyle
September 29., 2018 · Lesecafé Odradek, Chemnitz

Stephen Doyle · Lesecafé Odradek, Chemnitz
Dragons · Lesecafé Odradek, Chemnitz
KvT · Lesecafé Odradek, Chemnitz
KvT · Odradek, Chemnitz

Some quick sightseeing the following morning.

Saying hi to Charlie

Back in the van.

We took a quick stop in Strobl in Austria, and then on to Ljubljana.

Agente Costura · Otolitos · KvT · Stephen Doyle
October 1., 2018 · Prulček Bar, Ljubljana

Stephen Doyle · Prulček Bar, Ljubljana
Stephen Doyle · Prulček Bar, Ljubljana
KvT · Prulček Bar, Ljubljana
KvT + Stephen Doyle · Prulček Bar, Ljubljana
Agente Costura + Otolitos · Prulček Bar, Ljubljana
Agente Costura · Prulček Bar, Ljubljana

Back in the van.

Somewhere in southern Hungary

Agente Costura · Otolitos · KvT · Dragons + Stephen Doyle
October 2., 2018 · Szabadkikötő, Pécs

Dragons + Stephen Doyle · Szabadkikötő, Pécs
KvT · Szabadkikötő, Pécs
Agente Costura · Szabadkikötő, Pécs
Agente Costura · Szabadkikötő, Pécs

Then, after some border-crossing fun, we were in Subotica, Serbia.

Savremena Galerija Subotica, Serbia

Agente Costura · Otolitos · KvT · Dragons · Stephen Doyle
October 3., 2018 · Savremena Galerija Subotica

We played in five rooms, doing five overlapping sets.

Walk-through, Savremena Galerija Subotica
Stephen Doyle · Savremena Galerija Subotica
Stephen Doyle · Savremena Galerija Subotica
Dragons · Savremena Galerija Subotica
Agente Costura (soundcheck) · Savremena Galerija Subotica
Agente Costura · Savremena Galerija Subotica
Agente Costura · Savremena Galerija Subotica
KvT · Savremena Galerija Subotica
KvT · Savremena Galerija Subotica
KvT · Savremena Galerija Subotica
KvT · Savremena Galerija Subotica
Otolitos · Savremena Galerija Subotica
Otolitos · Savremena Galerija Subotica

Symbols and history peeking their noses in the following morning.

Good morning, comrades

Time to get to Belgrade.

Our noble chariot
Van handicrafts

We arrived to Belgrade and went off to find Tito’s Yacht — the place where we were to play.

On the way to the yacht

Otolitos · KvT · Dragons + Stephen Doyle
October 5., 2018 · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade

Found it.

Tito’s Yacht

Formerly the yacht of Peter II, King of Yugoslavia, then Tito, then partially burned down in the aftermath of the Yugoslav Wars, now a newly-emerging space for alternative culture and autonomous living, under the name NNK. But everyone calls it Tito’s Yacht.

Loading in
View from behind the bar
Stephen checks the acoustics
The acoustics are satisfactory
Cymbalism — now with bonus migrating birds
Gazela Bridge in the background

We played in three different spaces: Dragons + Stephen Doyle outdoors on the front deck, Otolitos and KvT in different spots inside.

Dragons + Stephen Doyle · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade
Stephen Doyle · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade · Photo: Vladimir Opsenica
Dragons + Stephen Doyle · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade
KvT · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade · Photo: Vladimir Opsenica
KvT · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade · Photo: Vladimir Opsenica
KvT · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade
KvT · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade
Otolitos · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade · Photo: Vladimir Opsenica
Otolitos · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade · Photo: Vladimir Opsenica
Otolitos · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade · Photo: Vladimir Opsenica
Otolitos · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade · Photo: Vladimir Opsenica
Otolitos · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade · Photo: Vladimir Opsenica
Otolitos · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade
Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade · Photo: Vladimir Opsenica

Vladimir Opsenica also made a video giving some impressions of what was happening.

KvT, Otolitos, and Dragons + Stephen Doyle · Tito’s Yacht, Belgrade

The following morning we had a short drive from Belgrade to Novi Sad.

Otolitos · KvT · Agente Costura · Stephen Doyle
October 6., 2018 · Kulturni Centar LAB, Novi Sad

Kulturni Centar LAB, Novi Sad

There were kittens.

Nap time

It took a while to soundcheck, and then we played three overlapping sets.

KvT + Stephen Doyle · Kulturni Centar LAB, Novi Sad
Agente Costura + Stephen Doyle · Kulturni Centar LAB, Novi Sad
Agente Costura + Stephen Doyle · Kulturni Centar LAB, Novi Sad
Otolitos + Stephen Doyle · Kulturni Centar LAB, Novi Sad
Otolitos + Stephen Doyle · Kulturni Centar LAB, Novi Sad
Otolitos + Stephen Doyle · Kulturni Centar LAB, Novi Sad

We left Novi Sad, had more border fun, a brief pit-stop in Kecskemét, and arrived in Budapest.

Otolitos · KvT · Agente Costura + Stephen Doyle
October 7., 2018 · Auróra, Budapest

Sign outside · Auróra, Budapest
KvT · Auróra, Budapest
KvT · Auróra, Budapest
Otolitos · Auróra, Budapest
Agente Costura + Stephen Doyle · Auróra, Budapest
Agente Costura + Stephen Doyle · Auróra, Budapest

After a rather unique night’s rest, we got up and headed for Prague.

Otolitos · KvT · Agente Costura + Stephen Doyle
October 8., 2018 · Hybernska, Prague

KvT · Hybernska, Prague
Otolitos · Hybernska, Prague
Otolitos · Hybernska, Prague
Agente Costura + Stephen Doyle · Hybernska, Prague

Next up: Opava, home of the wonderfully adventurous Bludný kámen, and the final event before going back to Berlin.

Otolitos · KvT · Agente Costura · Dragons + Stephen Doyle
October 9., 2018 · Bludný kámen, Opava

Dragons + Stephen Doyle · Bludný kámen, Opava
Dragons + Stephen Doyle · Bludný kámen, Opava
Dragons + Stephen Doyle · Bludný kámen, Opava
KvT · Bludný kámen, Opava
KvT · Bludný kámen, Opava
KvT · Bludný kámen, Opava
KvT photos · Bludný kámen, Opava
Otolitos · Bludný kámen, Opava
Otolitos · Bludný kámen, Opava
Otolitos + Stephen Doyle · Bludný kámen, Opava
Otolitos + Stephen Doyle · Bludný kámen, Opava
Otolitos + Stephen Doyle · Bludný kámen, Opava
Agente Costura · Bludný kámen, Opava
Agente Costura · Bludný kámen, Opava
Agente Costura · Bludný kámen, Opava
Window panel · Bludný kámen, Opava
Promotional leaflet · Bludný kámen, Opava
KvT: ‘Thy Silence is a Vessel’ — a sound process. Performance documentation (polaroid photographs). From (starting top left) Berlin (Sept. 24., 2018), Leipzig (Sept. 28.), Chemnitz (Sept. 29.), Ljubljana (Oct. 1.), Pécs (Oct 2.), Subotica (Oct. 3.), Belgrade (Oct. 5.), Novi Sad (Oct. 6.), Budapest (Oct. 7.), Prague (Oct. 8.), and Opava (Oct. 9.). Photo taken in Bludný kámen, Opava, Oct. 10., 2018
Packing up
Photo time

We had a day of driving to get back to Berlin, and then a recovery day before playing at Sentimental Punk #35 at Kotti-Shop.

Otolitos + KvT · Agente Costura + Stephen Doyle
October 11., 2018 · Sentimental Punk #35 at Kotti-Shop, Berlin

Sentimental Punk is a monthly series that always presents two live film soundtracks, both played to accompany the same film, which is shown twice. So, we played two combined sets.

The film shown was excerpts from two works from the late 1960s and early 1970s by Carolee SchneemannFuses (1967) and Plumb Line (1971) — both newly-digitised from VHS copies of the Super-8 originals.

Set-up for Agente Costura + Stephen Doyle · Sentimental Punk #35 at Kotti-Shop, Berlin

And afterwards, we took photos, both digital and analogue, with the van.

And that was the tour.

Thanks to everyone who helped.

