Kwelo Halisi
3 min readJan 10, 2023


Today over lunch, a friend of mine narrated to me a story that my ears have never heard before, and I am sure yours have not either. Let us call him Moses. We are in this hotel, and we start to discuss why people cheat in relationships. So I decide to ask him, "Bro, why did you cheat in your last relationship?” You know the tea is about to be hot when dude put his spoon down wiped his mouth ready for the narration. I am only human, so I leaned in to listen intently to his story.

The hotel

“I have been married for 4 years, and before that, I dated my wife for 4 more. In our dating period, there was this time when we were at loggerheads, and I decided to ask for a break from the relationship. It was as if my lungs got a shot of fresh oxygen for the first time. Is this how someone feels when they are not imprisoned by another human being in the name of love? What surprised me even more is that, a week had not elapsed when I met another girl; we were both vibing so much that before we knew it, we were going steady.

In that particular relationship, I got the shock of my life, and honestly, I did not know how to react to it. My newly found crush came from a very prominent family and was swimming in money. She used to treat me to everything I never knew I could access, from great food spots to mini-vacations around the country. Something my girlfriend had never done. I fell so hard for her that I almost feared for my sanity. Everything was going on perfect until one day, drama located my life. One day, my girlfriend, with whom we were on a break, stalked me for a while and discovered I was having the time of my life with another woman. You guessed it right—she did not take it well. Hell was about to break loose.

I have no idea why, but she somehow was able to track her into a dark and empty alley one evening. She then confronted her, asking why she was dating me, and when she did not receive an acceptable response, she began assaulting her, yes, beating her to a pulp. All this happened without my knowledge, and I do not know whether to thank the heavens that I was not there to share in the embarrassment or to feel guilty for not being there to protect my crush from my crazy girlfriend. When my crush came back home, I was surprised to see her limping and with a black eye. I thought she had been mugged. When she explained everything to me, I apologized on my girlfriend’s behalf and promised to handle the situation the next day.

However, my crush went to the kitchen and came back with a knife in hand, rushing towards me and screaming, “How could you?" "How could you set me up to be beaten by that woman?” My heart rate went up when I discovered that this is actually a life-or-death scenario. I had to defend myself, or else she would hurt me. I rushed at her and disarmed her with the knife, and when she came down, I apologized again. She, however, told me she never wanted to see me again, and that is how we broke up. I cannot even begin to explain how I ended up marrying the same girl who assaulted another woman for me. It is crazy.”

Wow, what a story! Is cheating forgivable? How far should you go when your other half cheats on you? Those questions, I will leave them to you. Let me finish my lunch and get back to work.



Kwelo Halisi

Copywriter Observant Curious Believer of |Words Matter|