KWHCoin Announces Partnership to Become the Largest Renewable Energy Blockchain in Puerto Rico

5 min readMar 9, 2018


KWHCoin team Tony Tiyou, Noah Kline and Girard Newkirk in partnership with Dr. Alison Thompson and Third Wave Volunteers providing solar puff lights in Rio Grande Puerto Rico lighting thousands of homes on the mountainside

The KWHCoin Blockchain is excited to announce a development project that will make KWHCoin the largest renewable energy blockchain on the island. Puerto Rico has unique challenges with over 30% of the island and over 1 million residents still without power from the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma and Maria. KWHCoin has an innovative social impact model that uses cryptocurrency as a liberation technology to provide full value for the entire ecosystem with its token model that is backed by the generation of renewable energy. CEO Girard Newkirk states,

“Our community token model uses impact investing to develop infrastructure and physical assets (solar panels, energy storage resources, microgrids, etc) for those that lack resources or are in remote locations especially the almost 2 billion without reliable electricity access thereby lighting the world and build value for the KWHCoin token as we build a global network of distributed energy resources all connected on our blockchain and accessible through our application that is in development.”

The KWHCoin blockchain now has renewable energy nodes in 6 continents and over 30 different countries. The blockchain has 98 confirmed partnerships through their website and global outreach and have seen a dramatic increase in application requests to join the KWHCoin network the last several days.

The strategy of KWHCoin is to build a global network of renewable energy nodes to provide the physical and virtual assets for its blockchain to aggregate and collaborate the global renewable energy assets making KWHCoin a unique value proposition because it’s actually backed by renewable energy generation and distribution. CEO Girard Newkirk believes KWHCoin is the most valuable cryptocurrency for social impact and for environmentally responsive investing and when asked he explained:

“The KWHCoin token is backed by tangible renewable energy generation that is occurring through our nodes on our blockchain that reaches all 7 continents and were now developing a tremendous asset profile in Puerto Rico that will serve as our genesis project for our token model to provide access to renewable energy services. Most blockchain projects are extrapolations and based on tertiary projection models. With KWHCoin our token holders can be proud that they are helping light the world and impact investing in an environmentally responsible project that is also delivering the value of global renewable energy services and is laying the infrastructure for the internet of energy projected to be a $150 billion industry by 2020. KWHCoin is on the edge of developing this platform and our token is a direct investment in this transformational value in the energy sector.”

KWHCoin impact invested $75,000 and 500,000 KWHCoins to launch its renewable energy network in Puerto Rico and its mission with Third Wave Volunteers delivering humanitarian relief was just part of the investment.

Girard Newkirk, Tony Tiyou, Noah Kline being presented award from Dr. Alison Thompson of Third Wave for service to the people of Puerto Rico and providing renewable energy.

The second phase is to develop renewable energy generation assets in the cities of Loiza and the municipality of Orocovis. KWHCoin will partner with local officials, off grid technology companies, humanitarian groups and other blockchain partners to install solar panels, Microgrids, wind and hydroelectric power and energy storage in these two locations to launch its global network of energy services and ecosystem development.

Loiza has a population of over 30,000 and is just east of San Juan. It still suffers from power loss, road washed away and infrastructure disruptions.

Just east of Loiza roads remain impassable and cars are stranded.

KWHCoin will partner to develop the renewable energy generation assets in Loiza to expedite residents getting power service. These installations will serve as nodes on the KWHCoin blockchain making Loiza an important logistical area for the development of energy services on the island for KWHCoin.

Orocovis is the site for the second development project in Puerto Rico and will serve as the model for the technical and development resources needed for KWHCoin to provide energy services to remote locations globally. Orocovis ocated in the Central Mountain Range, north of Villalba and Coamo; south of Morovis and Corozal; southeast of Ciales; east of Jayuya; and west of Barranquitas.

“ We believe these two unique locations will give us the developmental experience we need to take our blockchain globally and provide services and more importantly to expedite getting energy services for these two communities that have been without power for months. We just left and in some places it looks as if the hurricane disaster just hit. Puerto Rico is our number 1 priority to restore power and to electrify as we grow as a blockchain energy company,” says CEO Girard Newkirk.

Stunning tropical rainforest in Orocovis.

KWHCoin CEO Girard Newkirk is heading back to Puerto Rico March 17-March 20 to meet with local government officials to establish logistics and methodology. This will be the largest project of note for the KWHCoin platform and will mark a tremendous leap in the platform as a global services provider and dynamic cryptocurrency value proposition. KWHCoin is currently in its Initial Coin Offering and participation links are located on their website so you can join our token sale now .

For more information contact the following.

Press, marketing and media inquiries: Angela Betancourt

CEO inquiries: Iberys Mendoza

Join our Blockchain: Tony Tiyou

Social impact collaboration: Monica Shepard

Investment Opportunities: Gareth Dauley or Vanessa Pridgen

Join our Global community:

Creative Director Noah Kline and CEO Girard Newkirk in Rio Grande




KWHCoin is a cryptocurrency developing the physical and digital assets to deploy the internet of energy and power billions with renewable energy access.