KWHCoin on a Mission to Eradicate Global Energy Poverty with Decentralization and Cryptocurrency

3 min readAug 10, 2018


According to World Bank estimates over 600 million people across Sub-Saharan Africa live without access to national grid services. KWHCoin is developing the digital and physical infrastructure to power the edges of the grid.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) energy access is the “golden thread” that weaves together economic growth, human development and environmental sustainability. The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 keynoted the goal to ensure access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy for all by 2030 and established a new level of political recognition for energy’s central role in development.

KWHCoin is focused on building and developing the digital and physical infrastructure necessary to power the edges of the grid (gridless) across the globe. Energy poverty is concentrated in Sub-Saharan Africa, India and developing Asia, where communities are isolated from urban infrastructure however there are millions in the Caribbean, South America, and rural areas in North America that have energy access limitations as well.

Remote and gridless populations are the impact point for the KWHCoin project and its mission to deliver decentralized grid and energy solutions to over 500 million households.

“The future for energy generation and distribution is gridless and wireless but its hard for populations in the developed world to comprehend because our only experience has been limited to centralized grid networks and service providers. We believe that we are developing advanced energy solutions and product capabilities and our token (KWHCoin) forms the foundation on which this advanced renewable energy economy is being built,” states KWHCoin Chairman and CEO Girard Newkirk.

Extending traditional grids through remote forests, mountains, deserts and island chains is expensive and impractical. Likewise, sharing a central energy source with small, geographically dispersed communities is difficult. Gridless systems suffer neither of those drawbacks and set the stage for quick electrification.

Wireless power scales electricity distribution much more efficiently than wired power and the KWHCoin ecosystem is being developed to augment and platform this new distribution model. The unsustainable and environmentally harmful models of the developed countries prove as platform for new methodology for the 1.2 billion seeking energy access. Grid modernization efforts in the United States cost over $106 billion in 2016 and the model has become clearly unsustainable and requires innovative solutions that integrate distributed energy resources.

“KWHCoin is literally and figuratively on the edges of the grid developing innovative solutions with our array of solar products and pay as you go (PAYGO) models for our customers and helping build local sustainable economies in the areas that we serve to foment a circular, wasteless, and ecosystem for the gridless,” says Newkirk.

There are over 434 million households globally that classify as off grid and in upwards of another 60–100 million households with unreliable energy services.

KWHCoin is currently being traded on TOPBTC, Coinexmarket and and continues to expand into a global renewable energy solutions platform that is servicing the 1.2 billon people globally without energy access along with underserved populations that lack reliable energy service.

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KWHCoin is a cryptocurrency developing the physical and digital assets to deploy the internet of energy and power billions with renewable energy access.