30 Days Writing Challenge: Day 1 — Describe Your Personality

Kharisma Wibhisono
2 min readSep 11, 2020


Who are you?

It was when my lecturer asked me the confronting question “Who are you?” that my brain started to hurt. I began to look back and forth for the answer. “Who am I?” Never have I thought about that before, let alone asked it to myself. I think most people would be perplexed if they were asked that same question, point blank, without any preparation. That day I learned one thing or two about myself. The sense of who I am, is both social and personal. So, today I am going to focus on the personal — my personality.

I tried to analyze my personality using the OCEAN personality test. Turns out, I am a very conscientious person. My conscientiousness far overpowers the other big traits — openness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. I pay a lot of attention to accuracy rather than immediacy. I am goal-oriented and like to keep things organized. I play by the rule book. Essentially, I could confirm all of the descriptions from the test. But is that it?

There are more to it. Many people see me as the boy next door. They usually describe me as unassuming and innocent. Well, they are not wrong to describe myself as an approachable person. I cannot act tough or rude in front of other people. I smile a lot and sometimes it causes an awkward situation. I am both shy and confident. In a social setting, I like to be the one who laughs at someone else’s joke. But in another setting — say, academic setting — I am typically the one who leads the pack.

Sometimes I wanted to be heard. Sometimes I wanted to be left alone. I wanted to be seen as well as to be invisible. I am in touch with both my masculine and feminine sides. The more I look at myself, the more I realize that I am full of dialectics. It is when two opposing truths exist and contradict each other. To see myself as a dialectic can be confusing, yet very simple, and I believe every person has their own dialectics.

That is the end of my turn. How about you? Who are you?



Kharisma Wibhisono

Writer/Researcher. Writes in English and Bahasa Indonesia.