30 Days Writing Challenge: Day 2 — Things That Make You Happy

Kharisma Wibhisono
2 min readSep 12, 2020


Happiness is when you feel at home…

How can you write about things that make you happy when many things contribute to your happiness? In this case, I would reflect back to some memories that first come up in my mind. These are things that make me happy, giving a sense of pleasure and contentment.

First of all, my happy memory usually involves other people. When I moved out for college, I would always make sure to go back home for holidays. Going back home every time I got the chance was really meaningful. In fact, I have missed this feeling now that I moved back to my hometown.

The feeling when you wait for the plane to take off.

The feeling you get on the journey.

Long road. Clear skies.

The thought of coming back to your home, surrounded by family and close friends.

Ah, My heart is full.

In my spare time, I usually scroll at memes and cat videos. Everybody needs a good laugh.

What can I say? Cats are cute and funny. Full stop.

A token of appreciation also makes me happy. In class, getting an A means a lot, at least for me. I don’t make this as a measurement of success, but it shows that hard work will get the acknowledgement it deserves.

When I publish some works, I try to look for affirmation from friends. I find it really comforting. To know that someone out there reading your work? It is such an awesome feeling.

I am happy when my works are finished — not just finished but neatly finished. I am happy when I get them in time. There is a certain sense of accomplishment that follows when I finish something. For example, I tried to take a couple of weeks to complete my assignments, therefore I would not miss the deadline.

When my friends need me, I would try to be there until they can stand on their own.

Yes, I am happy to say “my work here is done”



Kharisma Wibhisono

Writer/Researcher. Writes in English and Bahasa Indonesia.