30 Days Writing Challenge: Day 7 — Favorite Movie

Kharisma Wibhisono
2 min readSep 17, 2020



I have missed the feeling of going out to the movie theater. Pre-pandemic, I was a movie-goer. There are usually three types of movie: the one that left a mark on your mind, the okay but forgettable, and the worst. I don’t want to discuss the worst movies, rather I want to give the spotlight on the one that has not left my mind until this very day.

Sometimes, I see a movie just because there are actors that I like, and as a fan, I follow their works. But there was a movie that made me curious even before the first trailer dropped. In fact, this movie later secured nominations and won several Oscars. It all started with the phrase “Time is the Enemy”. Yes, 1917. It is one of the best and is one of my favorites.

Let’s start from the theme. Contrary to the popular narrative of war movies which is usually about starting a war towards a common enemy, 1917 put us in a different perspective. There is still a war element in it, but the common enemy is the time. We would see two soldiers — Schofield and Blake — trying to stop the war from happening. This message is powerful when we see it in alignment with our current socio political condition. We were on the brink of another World War when there was a huge political tension between nations in the very beginning of 2020.

Moving on, I really love the camera setup. The entire movie applies one-take-okay shots, so it feels like we are there with the characters. You can see their facial expression, you can see the chaos in first-person point of view. The setup is combined with astounding visual, sound and sound effects. I can feel the tense and burden on Schofield (George MacKay) when someone in the movie sang Wayfaring Stranger. That scene made me emotional.

I want to appreciate George MacKay for his portrayal of Schofield. I want to see him more in the future. The way he communicates just from his expressions was poignant. He did not portray a regular soldier but a brave, resilient, and brotherly figure throughout the movie. Honorable mention is also for Dean-Charles Chapman, for serving us that scene so well. There is also an incredible line of actors such as Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Richard Madden, some popular names in the industry.

All and all, this movie is worth a Best Picture. I still remember the scene sequence, just to prove how this movie has impacted me as an audience.

A brilliant trifecta of story, technique, and actors.



Kharisma Wibhisono

Writer/Researcher. Writes in English and Bahasa Indonesia.