A word that can change your life.

Kwizera Confident
3 min readJul 4, 2022


This is my first content, where I’m going to tell you some words that was spoken with different people around the world in different times. Some of that words it may changes your life or the way of your living.

socrates images (dreamstine.com)

Today I’m going to talk on famous philosopher called “socrates”
Socrate is the one famous philosopher known in history of earth, and he continues to be written in many books. Socrate he’s greek philosopher who lives from (470–399 BC), socrate he’s the one of Greek genius, In his time he had capable of thinking and some beliefs differ with people on his time. Socrate he didn’t write any book, some of his words and ideas written by his student like: plato, xenophos, and Aristophanes. Some of that book called “the dialogue and the republic “ this books explain the knowledge and life of socrate.

Here there is some of socrate words that was changed the life of many peoples such as:

Once socrate said that “if I’m thinking, is the one reason that shows I’m living like myself not anyone else, there’s no one who will think on your behalf, you’ve to live as you, don’t live according to the opinions of others.”

Socrate once said that: if you heard rumors stories, you have to put that story in three cages which is you’ll have to ask yourself this question
This story is it true?
This story is it important to me?
This story is it good to me?

After all this observation if you find out that none above included tell those who’s spread that rumors on your ears to keep it himself/herself.

Socrate once said: “ all our prayers must be praising God and giving thankful. Because already God known what we need and misses. There’s no need of asking God what you need or want like he didn’t know.”

Socrate said: “before changing world, first change yourself”

Once socrate said that: “if you’ll find beautiful woman, and live with her peaceful, you’ll live extraordinary happily lifetime. But if you’ll find ugly woman, you’ll be philosopher like him.”
This comes from the wife socrate had called “ Xanthippe” i recommend you to find more information about her. she was beautiful out but bad in human behaviour.

Socrate said that “death it must be one of the highly common blessing human people had”. If you’re poor or rich both you’ll face with death.

Socrate once said that “i know that I have wisdom because I know nothing.”

Socrate said that: “all wisdom start from thinking.”

Socrate said that: “as long as we live in under heaven we know few so there is no need to think we’re amazing.”

Socrate once said that: “people they are not living in order to eat, we eat in order to live.”

Socrate once said that : “go slowly in case you’re going to enter in love, think 1000 times before to fall into someone else. But In time you choose someone don’t go back, even if you can face there with 1000 problems.”

This is the first part of some words said by socrate follow me to be ready with the other parts.

Love you!

