Create website with Nuxt.js (vuejs & vuetify) + contentful publish to GitHub pages

Kwong Kelvin Ho
3 min readJul 13, 2018


This article aim to guide you through the setting up process Nuxtjs + contentful and publish to GitHub pages under 15mins.


Nuxtjs + Contentful


  • `Contentful` is a handful CMS with API ready
  • `Nuxtjs` has the generate static page feature
  • `Push-dir` easy to push to repo
  • fast loading speed since it mostly html
  • vuetify with material design ready component
  • Ability to control generate all as static html or load dynamically on the fly to contentful API

Step 0 — Contentful 🎨

Apply, login and get the API token in 5min. Then, we are ready to use the contentful SDK via Nuxtjs. In this case, we can generate static content via contentful to Github pages.

Step 1 — Setting up project 🎣

git clone testNUXT

create .contentful.json in root folder ( same format as conftenful-sample.json). Those can be found in step0 at contentful api{spaceID}/api/keys


"CTF_PERSON_ID": "3eaaGcQAE0ZmuLKU8uqfGW",
"CTF_BLOG_POST_TYPE_ID": "blogPost",
"CTF_PROTFOLIO_TYPE_ID": "portfolio",
"CTF_PERSON_TYPE_ID": "person",
"CTF_CDA_ACCESS_TOKEN": "Content Delivery API - access token",

yarn install packages.nvmrc is using Node 9.3 and NPM v5.5.1 as default.


if error as below, try to remove the yarn.lock and tried again

error Couldn't find match for "fix/https-via-http-proxy"

Step 2 — fire up the project 🔥

yarn dev 

Step 3 — Push to GitHub page 🎉

Build and bundle your static file to ./dist/*

yarn generateyarn add -D push-dir

Add deploy script to Github pages

//package.json"scripts": {
"dev": "nuxt",
"build": "NODE_ENV=production nuxt build",
"start": "nuxt start",
"generate": "nuxt generate",
"lint": "eslint --ext .js,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore .",
"precommit": "npm run lint",
“deploy”: “yarn build && push-dir — dir=dist —{USER_NAME}/{USER_NAME} — branch=master — local-branch-name={branch name} — cleanup — allow-unclean”

Now you have a static site on GitHub Pages with ability to control the content via contentful 🎉

Step 4: Generated (as static / dynamic) content

Using Github pages (static content mostly), but with Nuxt generate. We can make it load Contentful API directly on the fly.

In nuxt.config.js, generate can control it as static or load contentful dynamically.

If we want to generate each slug as HTML as this example which require to run npmdeploy` every time have a new content.

However if we want to lazy deploy once and load every new content, we cam use nuxt async data to grab from contentful API every time, this will not require to npm run deploy every time


Nuxtjs GitHub deployment:

Contentful with Nuxtjs:

Contentful GH example:

#Nuxtjs #Contentful #Vuetify #Githubpage

