Magic Leap 2 vs Microsoft HoloLens 2: The Augmented Reality Showdown

Kalipatnapu AR/VR Lab
3 min readOct 24, 2023

In the realm of augmented reality (AR) headsets, two significant players, Magic Leap 2 and Microsoft HoloLens 2, have emerged, each offering a unique set of features and capabilities for a variety of applications. In this detailed comparison, we’ll explore how these two AR devices stack up against each other in terms of processing power, display quality, tracking capabilities, compatibility, design, comfort, pricing, and specifications.

Processing Power: Magic Leap 2’s Stronger Engine

One of the most distinguishing factors between Magic Leap 2 and HoloLens 2 is their processing power. Magic Leap 2 is equipped with a robust custom AMD processor, while HoloLens 2 relies on an older Qualcomm processor. The AMD processor in Magic Leap 2 allows it to efficiently run resource-intensive applications, boasting both power efficiency and high performance. With 14 processing cores, Magic Leap 2 outshines HoloLens 2, which features 8 cores. However, it’s worth noting that Magic Leap 2’s closed system may pose some challenges for businesses looking to integrate their software.

Display Quality: Magic Leap 2’s Better Visuals

Magic Leap 2 excels in display quality, offering higher resolution, a faster refresh rate, and a larger field of view. Its impressive display provides users with a more immersive AR experience, featuring a higher resolution, a 120Hz refresh rate, and a wider field of view. In contrast, HoloLens 2’s display lags behind, featuring a lower resolution, a slower refresh rate, and a smaller field of view, resulting in a less immersive experience.

Magic Leap 2 goes a step further with its Dynamic Dimming feature, adjusting the amount of real-world light that enters the user’s eyes. This innovation enables it to perform well in brightly lit outdoor settings and ensures that 3D objects, such as text, remain clear and vivid.

Tracking Capabilities: Magic Leap 2’s Colour-Based Tracking

Magic Leap 2 utilizes environmental coloration for tracking, while HoloLens 2 is adept at saving various spatial environments online, simplifying multi-user experiences. Magic Leap 2’s open operating system allows enterprises to install custom applications, providing flexibility for businesses. Both devices feature eye and hand tracking, but Magic Leap 2 also includes a controller, enhancing user-friendliness and interaction.

Compatibility and Operating System: Magic Leap 2’s Openness

While HoloLens 2 offers a set of enterprise platforms, it operates within a more closed ecosystem. In contrast, Magic Leap 2’s open operating system permits enterprises to create custom apps using Android-based standards. This flexibility provides businesses with the freedom to develop in-house software tailored to their unique needs.

Design and Comfort: Magic Leap 2’s Lightweight Advantage

Magic Leap 2 gains an edge in terms of comfort due to its lightweight design, facilitated by an external processing unit. This design ensures comfort during extended use, although it does come with a cable that hangs down the user’s back. HoloLens 2, on the other hand, integrates all its components within the headset, offering a standalone solution.

Specifications: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Here’s a quick summary of the key specifications of both Magic Leap 2 and HoloLens 2:


Magic Leap 2 and Microsoft HoloLens 2 bring unique features to the AR market, catering to various needs and preferences. Magic Leap 2 stands out with its processing power, display quality, and openness, offering a robust platform for customization. HoloLens 2, on the other hand, offers a complete ecosystem of enterprise platforms and a self-contained design, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of applications. The choice between these AR headsets ultimately depends on your specific requirements and priorities, be it power, flexibility, or a comprehensive enterprise solution.

