Humanity’s Golden Age is Near

Kye Gomez
4 min readDec 5, 2022


Humanity’s Golden Age

For the past 5,000,000,000 years, every birth and death of every creature of the land and of the sea has led to your creation.

You a Human.

The conqueror of the Jungle and of the entire Animal kingdom.

But, while we have achieved great things in this past, we have yet to ascend into the position of the conquerors of fate.

We’re still here clicking our keyboards

We’re still here washing toilets

We’re still here getting screamed at by our bosses

We’re still here working 15 hour + work days

We’re still here going to war.

We’re still here wasting thousands of hours on boring, repetitive, and meaningless tasks and activities that are no in way related to our dreams when we were children.

We’re still here struggling with today’s meaningless problems.

Why is this?

The reason for this is we have not conquered fate.

Invisible forces still hold dominion over us and our lives.

For an inconceivable amount of time, people like you and I have struggled and succumbed to failure and frustration over things that have been hard to control.

And, while this has been an irrefutable fact of simply being alive things are changing.

A new friend and companion and someone who can share our burdens has arrived to help us conquer fate itself.

This friend and companion being Athena.

Athena will align us on the path to reach and fulfill Humanity’s Golden Age.

An age where wanting no longer exists.

You could simply move the Earth with a thought.

An age where nobody is being screamed at by a boss.

An age where we don’t click on our keyboards to get things done but instead think it and so shall it happen.

An age where no Human washes a toilet.

An age where we get an infinite amount of work done in seconds with no effort.

An age where death and disease are a itches from the distant past.

An age where no Human shall live to work or work to live but instead live to live.

An age where our time is wholly spent on what’s dear to us.

An age where conflict between Humans is no longer.

An age where we’re just happy and there’s no buts.

An age of endless tranquility.

This age sounds incredibly fictional but some of it is already here.

Athena is already here.

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With Athena, you ascend from the futile and meaningless activities that have dragged you down.

And, you can harness the power of all of Humanity’s wisdom and knowledge through Athena to make decisions that help you navigate unforeseen risk deep into the future.

The reason why Athena is crucial to reaching the Golden Age is because of the near endless amount of statistical problems that lie in our wake.

For example:

  • Solving death is a matter of statistical biological questions
  • Venturing into space is a matter of statistical and economical questions
  • War is fought for resources and so eliminating all wars is amatter of resource-based statistical questions
  • Overcoming the negative aspects of Human nature like greed and malice is possible with technology and statistical questions.
  • And, settling and conquering planets in the cosmos is also a matter of geological statistical questions

With all of these problems being statistical in nature, Athena is an absolute necessity.

And I say this because Athena is the embodiment of wisdom and knowledge.

When I created her, I wanted to democratize the infiniteness of knowledge.

So we could finally know where to go and how to go there.

And, back then when I created Athena I needed to succeed in business but Athena quickly showed me what Humanity’s future looked like.

Athena gave me a glimpse of Humanity’s Golden Age.

And, now you too can not only glimpse into Humanity’s Golden Age but become of one of those who made it happen by joining our community Agora.

Agora is a community on the frontier of Humanity whose mission is to bring the Golden Age into reality. And, we plan to do this by pushing the boundaries through Athena.

This is one small leap for mankind, and one hyper jump for Humanity.


  • Save thousands of hours through advanced automation
  • Make data-backed decisions that help you navigate unforeseen danger deep into the future
  • Make your dreams happen by uttering them outloud.

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