The Unravelling of Mr. Kennedy: A Wrestling Exposé on His WWE Departure

Kyle Mccourt
3 min readJan 18, 2024


Mr. Kennedy WWE United States Champion

A wrestler’s career trajectory is frequently determined by the machinations of the backstage crew and their internal feuds in the violent world of professional wrestling. The story of Ken Anderson, better known to WWE fans as “Mr. Kennedy,” is one example; his once-promising career plummeted due to a confluence of bad luck, and he left the company in 2009.

Orton’s Accusations: A Catalyst for Dismissal

Randy Orton, the Apex Predator, was embroiled in a contentious incident that set in motion the chain reaction that ultimately led to Anderson’s release. Anderson hit Orton with a belly-to-back suplex in a May 2009 10-man tag team match; Orton then claimed to have hurt his neck as a consequence. Anderson lost his job as a result of a series of events that began with this alleged accident.

Not one to sugar coat his feelings, Orton allegedly lodged a formal complaint with WWE management, claiming that Anderson’s carelessness in the ring almost cost him his career. After the fact, Anderson admitted that Orton had gone farther, convincing John Cena to join the growing list of Anderson’s detractors who had complained to Vince McMahon about his in-ring style. Anderson was fired from the company largely because of these complaints.

The Fallout: Wrestling’s Loss of a Potential Star

Mr. Kennedy exhibited tremendous potential during his prime in WWE, earning comparisons to greats like “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and The Rock. He won over fans with his magnetic personality and command of the microphone; seasoned pros like Paul Heyman, Eric Bischoff, and Hulk Hogan even gave him compliments.

Several misfortunes, though, tarnished Anderson’s journey. Injury after injury derailed Anderson’s career, even though he had several chances to succeed, such as winning the Money in the Bank briefcase at Wrestlemania. Unfortunate physical setbacks thwarted WWE’s efforts to propel him to the top, adding to his feeling of unrealized potential.

Injury-Prone Label and Wellness Policy Violation

The fact that Anderson worked with dangerous opponents made people wonder about his injury history, despite his vehement denials. His career was cut short at crucial points by a series of injuries, including ripped muscles and triceps. Even more damaging to his already-tarnished reputation was the suspension he received for going against WWE’s Wellness Policy.

A Reckoning: Taking Responsibility and Rebuilding Bridges

Anderson had a change of heart after years of resentment and shifting blame, finally owning up to his part in his WWE career’s demise. He revealed that he and Randy Orton had an open discussion in which they laid to rest any remaining animosities in an interview with The A2theK Wrestling Show.

The chain reaction that culminated in Anderson’s dismissal was something he took full responsibility for. After a string of unfortunate events — including injuries, unsuccessful pushes, and a suspension for Wellness Policy violations — Anderson came to terms with the fact that his decisions and actions were major factors in his dismissal. The intricacy of the wrestling business and the importance of individual responsibility for long-term success were illuminated by Anderson’s revelations as he pondered his past.

His story will go down in wrestling lore as a cautionary tale, warning of the perils of letting one’s personal behaviour get in the way of one’s talent and opportunities in a business where the lights are as bright off the mat as they are on.



Kyle Mccourt

I have a great mix of technical knowledge, vivid storytelling, and a strong passion for all things gaming, virtual reality, and technology.