Automate the Boring Stuff with Postman: Syncing Product Screenshots

Kyle Calica
The Startup
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2020


Syncing Dropbox and Cloudinary using Postman

A single company can have many different versions of product snapshots across several organizations; customer support, sales, technical documentation, marketing, customer success, etc. This can break brand alignment. When everyone has their own copy of how to do something can be confusing to customers as they talk across organizations and ultimately lead to frustration.

At my current company, I wanted to synchronize the images and maintain them across organizations. The screenshots being used by customer support should also be the same ones used by technical documentation. I had two goals with implementing this at my current company, I wanted every person to have access to these screenshots locally on their computer and have a single source of truth of what images were locally synchronized.

I chose Cloudinary to be the content management system and CDN as it could be the same images on the website or used in public documentation but was annoyed when they did not have the ability to sync with a local drive across a team nor when they did not have a Dropbox integration. I decided to create my own in Postman.

1. Create a Dropbox app in App Console with Full Dropbox permissions



Kyle Calica
The Startup

API whiz & business consultant. Tech consultant skilled in API integration & Marketing. Optimize systems, boost efficiency, and drive growth.