Official AWS for Github Actions

Push to S3 and invalidate Cloudfront with every merge

Kyle Calica
The Startup


I am a sucker for CI/CD pipelines. I pretty much build those out before I build any other project, to be honest. Ever since Github came out with workflow and actions I have been all over it!

Instead of relying on some online rando’s actions, I went straight to the source. AWS created and support their own Github actions. AND on top of that, Github actually comes pre-installed with AWS CLI now.

I just wanted to simply update an S3 bucket and invalidate my Cloudfront for the bucket.

First, we configure our credentials using the Github Action provided by AWS engineers, — doing God’s work.

use the AWS Github action to sign into credentials
AWS Github action supported by AWS

Secondly, we then run AWS CLI like we normally would.

Run AWS cli like any normal command
Run AWS cli like any normal command


  • Github workflow containers come pre-installed with AWS CLI
  • AWS has its own project of AWS CLI actions to use
  • Above is how to update an S3 bucket and invalidate the objects in the connected Cloudfront distribution

If you want to learn how to set up an S3 Bucket to Cloudfront for hosting then read my tutorial here.



Kyle Calica
The Startup

API whiz & business consultant. Tech consultant skilled in API integration & Marketing. Optimize systems, boost efficiency, and drive growth.