New spells & spell types, VFX update & Account security — Development update Friday October 19, 2018.

Kyle Haffenden
4 min readOct 19, 2018


Hey guys! In this week’s update I take you through some exciting development updates that will be in the next deployment at the end of October. Enjoy!

New Spell Types

We’ve added three new spell types to the upcoming release with more being planned for future releases! By adding a variety of spell types, players can create and test new strategies delivering more varied gameplay. The new spell types we’ve added for this deployment are:

  1. Combo IV: Previously, Combo’s only went up to III, we’ve now added a fourth combo possibility, which will inflict 100% additional damage!
  2. Damage over Time Spells: Reminiscent of the Poison Relic, Damage over Time (DoT) Spells will inflict damage in increments over a set period of time, rather than a once off damage.
  3. Piercing Spells: Piercing Spells will always inflict a percentage of damage to your opponent — even if they have a shield up.

Stay tuned for more new spell types in future deployments!

New Spells

I know you’re all going to be thrilled to hear that in this release we’re adding five brand new spells! We’ll be adding new spells to every release to enhance the gameplay experience, and in this deployment, we’re giving you four new attack spells and one new defense spell.


The Curse of Hemlock (DoT) — slowly paralyze your opponent over time with the ancient Hemlock Curse.

Curse of Hemlock

Iceberg Blast (Combo IV) — Smash your enemy with a frozen iceberg, possible Combo IV spell card.

Iceberg Blast

Spirit Wave (Piercing) — Summon the ancient Spirit Wave spell to penetrate your opponent’s shield and inflict damage.

Spirit Wave

Skull Fire (DoT) — Steadily damage your enemy’s health with the ancient curse of Skull Fire.

Skull Fire

Circle of Fire (Defense) — Use this shield to encircle your creature in fire, protecting it from unfriendly spells.

Circle of Fire

Visual Effects (VFX) Update

We’ve done a complete VFX overhaul of all of the current spells in the game. The current general spell names and stats will remain the same, however, visually they’ll look different. Optimizing all of these spells will improve performance and reduce the overall size of the game, and takes us one step closer to adding additional devices to the compatibility list. We can’t wait to hear what you think of the new spell effects!

Relic Update

We’ve also changed up the Stun Immunity Relic — previously, this Relic would protect your creature from a Stun Relic cast against it, we’ve now updated this to be an Immunity Relic, meaning that once in use, your creature will be immune to Stun, Shield Dispel and Poison Relics cast against it for 20 seconds from when the Immunity Relic is activated.

Account Security

In the last version release, we implemented Device ID account security, meaning that as long as you use the same device, your game stats and assets will be safe. Facebook Login was also integrated for those that wish to utilize that functionality. In this next release, you will have the option to register with a username and password so that you can transfer devices safely.

Remember you can check out the full release notes of every update on our website here.


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