End of year reflection

kyle lingat
5 min readMay 16, 2018

What did you expect when you started this class.

Some things I expected from this class is to learn more about cracking tools, learning more Python and ways to protect ourselves against hackers. I would say that the class did fulfill my expectations because we did learn a lot about cracking tools. We were introduced to different types of tools and methods to gain unauthorized access into something. There were things like brute-force attacks, man in the middle attacks and there were programs to sniff packets and even an OS made for penetration testing. Even though we didn’t learn much Python we were able to learn the basics of Python and even create tools with it. As for protecting ourselves against hackers we learned how vulnerable we are and there are tools and methods to prevent that. The tools would include VPNs, proxies, anonymous search engine, and the methods are to practice smarter internet use and have stronger passwords basically.

What were some of your favorite things you learned in the class.

My favorite thing for sure would be about learning Python. I already had some Python knowledge prior to this class because of Code Academy but I haven’t been able to put my knowledge to use. I enjoyed making Python tools because the language is similar to JavaScript and I just felt like I could see myself using Python in the future. I wish that we looked more into Python because it’s actually very fun to make security tools with it. Another thing I liked in this class was doing CyberPatriot because I was able to practice my Windows knowledge and compete with it. I’ve been using Windows my whole life so it’s pretty much second nature to me, I’m very comfortable with the OS and I know where everything is located so I had no problem working on Cyber Patriot with Windows. I enjoyed working in a team during CyberPatriot, I’ve always been good with working with teams and CyberPatriot just proved it.

What is your particular area of interest in cyber security?

My particular area of interest would definitely be the scripting or coding part of cyber security. I come from a coding background so of course this area would be my greatest interest. This also gave me the mindset that coding isn’t always used for good things, it can be used for malicious programs, you just have to know what to code. This class also gave me another road to take in my career because my main road was going into Web Design but Cyber Security can be another road for me to take. I wasn’t really interested the other areas like networking because I wasn’t interested in networking prior to this class and after being exposed to it, I’m still not interested. I would say my second interest would be the sysadmin part of Cyber Security because I’m good with Windows and the OS in general and if I really wanted to go further I would be able to learn Linux and have Linux become my second nature. Right now, I’m not very comfortable using Linux because of the UI and UX but if my job requires it then of course I’ll try to get used to it. Everything else just doesn’t fit my style or interest me.

What did you find hard in the class.

One thing I found hard in the class was working with Virtual Machines. The virtual machines were very slow which made it hard for me to work. Working on the Linux virtual machine was very irritating because I didn’t know where everything was located, I had trouble with the UI, and it was very slow. Another thing that I found hard was the CTF exercises. The CTF exercises were using Linux OS so of course it was hard for me. Another reason why the CTF exercises were hard was because I simply didn’t know how to do any of it, it was hard for me to find somewhere to start so it was very discouraging.

What would you change about the class?

I would add in more Python coding to make tools because I feel like it would be a great introduction to Python and coding in general. If not Python, then the class should teach advanced languages such as C++ or C# to make actual software. Another thing would be to make the class less self-directed and self-taught. In the CTF it was troublesome learning from the internet without someone to teach. A cool project I had in my mind was to be given and application or program for the students to reverse-engineer and exploit.

What advice would you give to new students taking the class?

I would say to expect a lot of different topics to be introduced to you. Cyber Security does cover a wide range of topics but all have one thing in mind which is security. Cyber Security goes from networking to cracking passwords, so expect a lot of things. Another thing I would say is to make sure you’re good at using Google to find things. If you’re good at searching up your specific problem to find a solution then you won’t have much trouble at that point. Lots of class-time was spent looking things up so we could understand how to use the tools. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help and don’t just stare at your screen expecting something to happen. Make sure to do lots of trial and error, there’s nothing wrong in doing trial and error. For Cyber Patriot, make sure that you have a plan set-up before you start so you’re not just improvising.

