Using Darts for Time Series Analysis in Python
Darts simplifies time series analysis by providing a unified interface for multiple forecasting methods, from traditional statistical approaches to advanced machine learning models.
Darts is a time series and forecasting library that streamlines building, evaluating, and deploying time series models. It is basically a wrapper for a lot of other models from ARIMA to LSTM++.
Darts provides a unified API for a variety of time series models so we can switch between models and compare performance. It has built in preprocessing for resampling, scaling, and handling missing data. And it comes with evaluation tools for standard metrics like MAE, MAPE, RMSE, and cross-validation.
Let’s try it out.
Install Darts with: pip install darts
Basic Workflow
The typical workflow in Darts involves creating a TimeSeries
object, choosing and training a model, making predictions, and evaluating results.
Darts requires data to be in a TimeSeries
object, which wraps around Pandas DataFrames.
In this project I use data from FRED (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis) on 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 2-Year Treasury Constant Maturity (T10Y2Y). The T10Y2Y is a financial indicator that measures the difference between the yields of 10-year and 2-year U.S. Treasury securities (aka the “yield spread” or the “term spread”) in basis points. Positive spread means that 10-year bonds have higher yields than 2-year bonds, which is the normal situation. Negative speard (aka yield curve inversion) is a sign of potential economic slowdown or recession.
Economists and investors use this as an indicator of market expectations about future economic conditions and monetary policy.
FRED provides this data by API. You can request an API key for free and you need to update the code with that.
Darts supports traditional methods like Exponential Smoothing and ARIMA for quick, interpretable forecasts.
Exponential Smoothing
I included way too much history in this version. The forecast is just 10 steps so it is a little blue dot at the end that you can barely see.
The autoARIMA implementations in other tools like statsmodels are easier to use than Darts. But let’s still look at it.
In this viz, I zoomed so it is much easier to see the prediction — which is basically a straight line for the next 30 days.
Machine Learning Models in Darts
But that is just the start. Darts can also do more advanced forecasting with machine learning models like Random Forests and LightGBM.
I have another article that goes deeper into N-BEATS.
Evaluating Models
Darts makes it easy to evaluate model performance using metrics like MAE, RMSE, and MAPE.
Real world example: Energy Load Data
I pulled data for energy load in ERCOT for every 15 mins from Dec 24, 2024 to January 11, 2025. Then I repeated these steps using the new dataset.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from darts import TimeSeries
from darts.models import ExponentialSmoothing
from darts.metrics import mape
# Load the ERCOT data
df = pd.read_csv("ercot_load_data.csv")
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) # Ensure 'date' is in datetime format
df['values'] = pd.to_numeric(df['values'], errors='coerce') # Convert 'values' to numeric
df = df.sort_values('date') # Sort by date
# Drop rows with missing or NaN values
df = df.dropna()
# Resample the data to hourly frequency
df = df.set_index('date').resample('h').mean().reset_index() # Resample and take the mean for each hour
# Define hold-out period
hold_out_hours = 24 # 24 hours = 1 day
train = df.iloc[:-hold_out_hours]
hold_out = df.iloc[-hold_out_hours:]
# Create TimeSeries for training and hold-out data
series_train = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(train, 'date', 'values', freq="h", fill_missing_dates=True)
series_hold_out = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(hold_out, 'date', 'values', freq="h")
# Fit the Exponential Smoothing model on training data
model = ExponentialSmoothing()
# Forecast the hold-out period
forecast = model.predict(len(series_hold_out))
# Calculate MAPE
mape = mape(series_hold_out, forecast)
# Plot the results
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
# Plot training data
series_train.plot(label="Training Data", color='blue')
# Plot hold-out data
series_hold_out.plot(label="Hold-Out Data (Actual)", color='green')
# Plot forecasted data
forecast.plot(label="Forecast", color='red')
plt.title(f"ERCOT Hourly Load Forecast with Hold-Out Data \n MAPE: {mape:.2f}%")
plt.ylabel("Load Values")
The exponential smoothing works better than ARIMA on this dataset.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from darts import TimeSeries
from darts.models import ARIMA
# Define hold-out period
hold_out_hours = 24 # Example: 24 hours = 1 day
train = df.iloc[:-hold_out_hours]
hold_out = df.iloc[-hold_out_hours:]
# Create TimeSeries for training and hold-out data
series_train = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(train, 'date', 'values', freq="h", fill_missing_dates=True)
series_hold_out = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(hold_out, 'date', 'values', freq="h")
# Fit the ARIMA model
model = ARIMA(p=1, d=1, q=1) # You can adjust p, d, q parameters
# Forecast the hold-out period
forecast = model.predict(len(series_hold_out))
# Calculate MAPE
mape_result = mape(series_hold_out, forecast)
# Plot the results
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
series_train.plot(label="Training Data", color='blue')
series_hold_out.plot(label="Hold-Out Data (Actual)", color='green')
forecast.plot(label="Forecast", color='red')
plt.title(f"ERCOT Hourly Load Forecast with ARIMA and Hold-Out Period \n MAPE: {mape_result:.2f}%")
plt.ylabel("Load Values")
But wait, there’s more!
Darts has tools for Backtesting to Evaluate how well a model performs over historical data. It can do Transformations like Scale, log-transform, or normalize data before modeling. And it can do ensembling to combine multiple models for better forecasts.
Deployment with Darts
You can pickle Darts models so they are easy to containerize for inference.
I got a little carried away and made this version that uses N-BEATS and Fast Fourier Transforms. The FFTs do a terrible job on this dataset but it was still fun to make.
Key Takeaways
Darts is a pretty good time series and forecasting library with an intuitive API and a lot of options. It covers most of the things you need for day to day TS work.