DAY 16: My millionaire mentor pays a visit, talks up KozyHome model

Kyle L B Morey
6 min readFeb 21, 2019


With two more mattress sales finally under our newbie belts, Denielle and I with open arms welcome to Tucson’s first KozyHome showcase–the Kozins.

Why we are in the furniture business

Larry and Angie Kozin, founders of the MillionairZclub, are the reason we are in a million-dollar home flipping beds and furniture and staging the house for sale. Had they not come out in late December to meet with us and share with us how they found financial freedom in the furniture industry, we would not be where we are today. Camping chairs and all! There kindness and sincerity were a breath of fresh air in a world of what’s-in-it-for-me cynism.

Within minutes, but only after the tour of Morey Manor, Angie whisks Denielle away to find furnishings for staging the home leaving Larry and me to fine tune the KozyHome business model.

KozyHome model and why you might care

“KozyHome is about helping people who want to become homepreneurs,” Larry says as we sit around an elegant and gorgeous dining set–adjacent to a stunning credenza–purchased at wholesale through the same company the Property Brothers use (cozy as it is chic!). It’s by far the most comfortable dining chair I’ve sat on in quite some time. “It is estimated that in the next 5 to 10 years, fifty percent of all homes will have a business operating out of it. And we have a chance to offer folks something new and exciting by way of making money from home.”

So true. Think of it. Creating a business model where anyone can turn their home into a mean money-making machine flipping beds and furniture.

“There are so many ways folks can do this,” Larry continues. “You guys needed a place temporarily. So we found a seller interested in our staging model. Morey Manor is leased for seven months with an option to buy. Time is on your hands. You can buy beds and furniture at wholesale through our network partners and save people money, make some income, and stage the home for the bigger sale.”

We like our arrangement, for sure. The prices are amazing. And what’s more amazing is how much we can save people on high-end products.

“But there is a myriad of ways one could make money doing this,” Larry says. “Some can work it part time and make a few hundred dollars a week extra, and still others can find true financial freedom in it. Where one may flip furniture right from there home, others with real estate background may want to stage several homes and sell the furniture as part of the flip.”

This dining set shows well at Morey Manor and can be yours at wholesale.

A way to expand the business model quickly

Larry pauses, takes a drink from my triple-filtered water, then charges on in a different direction: “But, we need to find a way to expand quickly and without hiring a large team at corporate. The more in the business, the more we can all save on wholesale furniture and make more money.”

“You’re not thinking MLM [multi-level marketing], are you?” I ask, a bad taste in my mouth. Years ago, Denielle and I crawled our way through a year working an MLM model called Excel Communications. We did our best to get friends and family to buy long distance plans through us. It paid well for a time (before going out of business), but at a cost–the loss of friendships through our overfriendly sales tactics. Denielle and I since swore off all MLMs altogether.

“I did look at that model,” Larry muses, “but I found another idea we could explore. We expand by incentivizing team-building through a ‘party-plan’ program,” he says between sips.

“What is the difference between a party-plan and an MLM?” I ask, Larry’s party-plan program sounded fishy at first. But only at first.

The difference makes all the difference

“Good question,” Larry responds. “An MLM’s main focus is making money by building teams. Most MLMs don’t save people money by buying their pills and potions. Most times you can find their products for less online or in stores.

Larry continues, “A party plan’s purpose is team building and product savings. Through a party-plan program, we can both incentivize individuals for building a team of people and still offer beds and furniture–and even more high-ticketed items–at the best prices on the planet. In our case, folks can make a good living just selling beds and furniture. Can even make six figures.”

“So, the difference between say, Amway, and the Warren Buffett-owned Pampered Chef,” I proffer up.

“Yes,” Larry agrees, “And those who want to do more, those who want to make millions, will do so by recruiting and training others to do what they do. As KozyHome owners help others succeed, they will succeed as well.”

Why at first I was wary but worried no more

I would stop the conversation right here and kindly thank Larry for his time and his attention and invite him to leave. But I don’t. I know Larry. He truly believes the key to success is helping others find and turn the key to their door of success. He is doing it with us. And so many others.

In fact, one confidence-builder in deciding to invest and work with Larry was the onslaught of genuine praise procured during my exploratory calls to his authorized brokers. All had nothing but good things to say about Larry and his team at corporate. “Larry is responsive,” they would say. “Quick to help.” “Eager to find solutions to our challenges.” “He seems to care about our success.”

Quite impressive.

“We have over 200 distribution centers and over 2,500 furniture brokers in our network–all found and managed by one man, John Bellave,” Larry says. “He’s a one-man recruiting machine and has put all 200 people into the mattress and furniture business as distribution center dealers. But we need to triple and quadruple that number this year and we need to do it without hiring a team of recruiters.”

“The best way I see that we can help people both make money and help others still save on price,” Larry proposes, “is to incentivize team leaders to lead and build teams. A party-plan can do just that. We focus on beds and furniture, but we offer an incredible incentive for those who like to recruit. It will work. And we will be the first in the furniture industry to do so!”

It’s hard to argue with that. And Larry wants to use our model here in Tucson as a case study to help early adopters, out-of-the-gate leaders who will begin working this model right away.

Suddenly, my efforts to move mattresses in our community seem small. Important, but small. My vision of helping people around the nation find financial freedom in furniture becomes a reality.

Stay tuned

How does Larry propose we kick KozyHomes off with a party plan?

Is there really a difference between party plans and multi-level marketing models?

Can Morey Manor be the prototype for the KozyHome program?

Will the KozyHome business model be available to the masses and not just the affluent?

Find out next time on Finding Freedom in Furniture!

<< DAY 15 ~ DAY 17 >>



Kyle L B Morey

Howdy! I’m a husband to a redhead, a father to the fantastic five, and a son of a loving Father in heaven. I’m also the author of #1 Bestseller, Ask God.