DAY 22: Hushing hopelessness, the mindset of a millionaire (and a prophet!)

Kyle L B Morey
4 min readFeb 23, 2019


What Alma and Frank Herbert say about fear

In a text that details the spiritual and temporal doings of an ancient American race, I read today about a born-again Christian Prophet who, through his inspiring words and unconquerable spirit, changed the world. Literally.

His name was Alma. And his people were about to be massacred by a menacing and formidable army. Alma and his people were unarmed and unprepared for such an onslaught. Nowhere to go, no one to turn to for help, Alma’s people cried out in fear.

Now Alma understood what Frank Herbert, author of Dune would write some two thousand years later through his character Paul Atreides: “Fear is the mind-killer”. Namely, fear forges hopelessness. And hopelessness is spiritual death. Knowing this, Alma pleads with his people to fear not, face God, and fight in prayer for deliverance from their enemies.

It worked! The text says that the people hushed their fears, cried unto the Lord that He would soften the hearts of their enemies–that they and their wives and children would be spared–and they were! A miracle indeed.

The mindset of a millionaire

“The one thing stopping you from succeeding,” Larry Kozin, my millionaire mentor says in one of our MillionairZclub calls, “is also the very thing you need to succeed: your mind.”

Abominable armies are all around us. Threating us. Menacing us and our minds. One formidable mind-killing enemy for me is fear of failing. In the case of finding financial freedom in furniture, it is wondering if we will see a return on our investment and if I made the right decision to invest in the first place. It doesn’t take much to summon my demons–a Facebook Marketplace post that doesn’t post, a computer glitch, an unhappy customer, an off-handed comment by a family member, or the unknown of what and how to sell.

But, you might say, some fears are real. Some fears are even healthy.

I wouldn’t disagree. A fear of death or bodily harm can keep one safe from harm. Yet, even in this example, I would echo the sentiments of Larry and ask, what emotion is motivating you? Fear? Or fear’s antipode: Trust? Do I refrain from harming my body because of fear of pain, or do I protect myself from danger because of my trust in life and all its promises?

Millionaires like my friend Larry are not exempt from the emotion of fear. It is just as real to them as it is to you or me. But they aren’t motivated by it. They don’t act out of it. Millionaires act out of trust–trusting that they will fail, fall, or flounder–knowing that eventually, things will work out.

The “What-If” game

Denielle and I are placing an order for $3,000 of furniture and bed inventory. Doesn’t sound like much, but it is our widow’s mite–our first step in selling furniture purchased with our dwindling cash supply. We are tempted to fear failure. “What if we can’t sell it?” “What if we purchased the wrong stuff?” “What if we can’t make our money back?” What if …!?

Like our motivational hero Alma, Larry unruffles our fears with this, “It’s not what if, but what then.”

Silence on our end of the line. Larry expounds, “More than likely you will fail at first. That is a good thing. It teaches you what not to do next time. Or how to do it better. The real question you should consider is, what then. What will you do when you fail? What will you do when you succeed? Trusting in your desire to do good and to succeed is enough to conquer any and all fears stopping you.”

Don’t be frightened. Trust in your good intentions and impressions. Hope for a better future. Things will work out.

Acting in trust, not fear

Finding financial freedom no matter the vehicle is a mindset. I believe, therefore I act. I believe we can find financial freedom in the furniture business, therefore I act… and place our first $3,000 order for inventory.

The amount is insignificant, and in and of itself won’t yield financial freedom. But I believe it is a step in the right direction. A step necessary to build up my trust in the system and my ability to work it.

The moment I email over the order, doubt settles down upon my mind like dew from hell. I recognize it, call it what it is, and replace it with thoughts of trust.

Trust that I will fail at first, but in the end, succeed.

Thank you, Larry–and Alma–for hushing my hopelessness and mentoring me on the millionaire mindset. Let the proverbial armies come. They do not frighten me. Trust is on my side.

Ultimately, as it states on the U.S. dollar bill, I trust in God.

<< DAY 21 ~ DAY 23 >>



Kyle L B Morey

Howdy! I’m a husband to a redhead, a father to the fantastic five, and a son of a loving Father in heaven. I’m also the author of #1 Bestseller, Ask God.