Selecting Recipients

Kyle M
1 min readOct 31, 2014

The main problem, and the primary malfunction and reason I do not use the school email, is that the options are limited. There are no buddy lists to choose from nor a way to select more than one recipient at a time. By utilizing a small but effective search by class or by name, a way of teetering down the amount of selection, searching and copy pasting of screen names to email will be set to a minimum.

The most basic way of searching for people would be in primary groups, a generalization of sorts. By grouping people into the classes they are currently enrolled in, searching for individuals will be much easier in a list rather than by going to each persons profile and copying their email name.

The other way, if not applicable or class size just does not permit a practical search, would be a user inputted search bar that searches limited to the current classes. Forgot a persons name but remember it started with a ‘S’? A quick list would emerge sorting by name, whether first or last.



Kyle M

UX2 Student typing down the experiences and steps in creating an effective and easy to use BART Ticketing System