The Obvious Art of Writing on Medium

How to write like a fisherman and increase your read rate

Kyle Mann
3 min readMar 30, 2023
©Kyle Mann via

Ahoy there, word wranglers of the digital age! You’ve ventured into the uncharted waters of Medium mastery.

Kudos for swimming past the title and sub-title — you’re already nibbling at the bait, and I haven’t even dangled the juiciest morsel before your eyes.

Let’s cast off the bowlines because we both know your attention span is shorter than a mosquito’s honeymoon.

The tides have turned; mammoth missives are ancient history. But you’re no stranger to that fact.

It’s not about bombarding your audience with grandiose verbiage, existential ponderings, or wallet-emptying expressions.

No, siree! It’s about mastering the angler’s art in the attention economy.

1. The hook

First, let’s debunk a common myth: “clickbait” titles are the scourge of the internet.

False, I say!

If your content stands shoulder to shoulder with your headline, it’s not truly clickbait, is it? It’s more like a tantalizing amuse-bouche, a glimpse of the mind-blowing feast awaiting your readers.

