Goonies — The Best Movie Ever

Bruce Sway
3 min readMay 1, 2023


“The Goonies” is a movie that has captured the hearts of fans for over three decades, with its thrilling adventure, memorable characters, and heartwarming message. The story follows a group of kids known as the Goonies, who embark on a treasure hunt to save their homes from foreclosure. Along the way, they encounter booby traps, underground tunnels, and a legendary pirate ship, all while facing off against a group of dangerous criminals.

The movie is full of iconic moments and quotes that have become ingrained in pop culture. Who can forget Data’s famous line, “Goonies never say die!” or Chunk’s hilarious confession, “Everything! OK? I’ll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max’s toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play.” These quotes, and many others, have become synonymous with the movie and its sense of fun and adventure.

But what really sets “The Goonies” apart is its character development. Each member of the Goonies brings their own unique personality and quirks to the story, and we watch as they grow and change throughout their journey.

Mikey is the leader of the Goonies, and he starts off as a dreamer who refuses to give up on the possibility of adventure and treasure. He inspires his friends to join him on the quest, and never stops believing in the impossible. As the adventure progresses, we see Mikey’s character develop further, as he realizes that the treasure he seeks is not just about saving his home, but also about his own self-discovery. He says, “It’s our time, up there. But it’s their time, down here. That’s all over the second we ride up Troy’s bucket.” Mikey learns to stand up for himself and his friends, even in the face of danger and uncertainty.

Brand, Mikey’s older brother, starts off as the responsible and protective older sibling. He is skeptical of Mikey’s quest and tries to discourage him from pursuing it. However, as the adventure progresses, we see Brand’s character develop as well. He realizes that he can’t protect his brother from every danger and learns to trust Mikey’s instincts. He also becomes a vital member of the Goonies, using his strength and quick thinking to help them overcome obstacles. Brand learns to loosen up and embrace the sense of adventure that his brother embodies.

In addition to Mikey and Brand, each member of the Goonies undergoes their own character development throughout the movie. Data becomes more than just a gadget-loving inventor, and Chunk proves himself to be more than just a comic relief character. Even Sloth, the initially terrifying figure, develops into a beloved hero.

In conclusion, “The Goonies” is the best movie ever because of its thrilling adventure, memorable characters, and heartwarming message. It reminds us to never give up on our dreams, to embrace our inner child, and to never underestimate the power of friendship and family. As Mikey says, “Goonies never say die!”



Bruce Sway

A normal guy who is passionate about life, family, and food