Tips for Successfully Hunting Wild Boar

Kyle Vandermolen
3 min readNov 16, 2022


Wild boar hunting requires a steady hand and the right strategies. Boars have great senses of smell, so it’s important not to make them angry. You can keep the boat away from you by using scent eliminators or small wind checkers. Before you go hunting, you can also set up stands or blinds. You can build a permanent blind on your land, or you can use a portable blind that pops up.

When wild boars are most active is the best time to hunt them. Usually, the pigs come out to eat at night and early in the morning. They also go to the same trails and crossings to find food and water. It also matters what phase the moon is in. If you want to hunt wild boar at night, you shouldn’t get up too early or stay up too late.

Boars are hard to find, but if you follow their tracks, you can trick them or catch them by surprise. Pigs usually sleep in shallow holes in the ground, and long grass and another cover can help them stay hidden. When you get close to them, they don’t move much, but during mating season, they can be very dangerous. When hunting wild boar, you’ll have the best chance of success if you have the right gear.

If you want to hunt on private land, you must make sure there is a hole in the fence. You can also look for wild boars by using the terrain and cover. You should also know the rules about hunting on private land if you want the best hunting experience. This will give you the confidence and peace of mind you need to hunt wild boars. You will be glad you did!

All over the United States, there are a lot of wild boars. But there are some places where there are more of them than others. The wild boars live in Texas, Mississippi, Florida, and California. It would help if you tried to hunt wild boar in these states because of this. By doing this, you can help with efforts to protect the area.

To have the best chance of killing the boar, you should aim for its lungs and heart. These organs are very important and must be hit to have the best chance of killing the animal. Make sure your shot to kill the boar hits this area, about four to five inches behind the shoulder blade.

When hunting at night, having a spotter with you is also important. It is easier to find your way around during the day than when it is dark. It would help if you were back in the stand before the sun went down. If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to hunt wild boar without getting hurt.

In most states, you can hunt hogs. Pigs can be hunted on both public and private land all year long. You can also hunt them on private land in the southern Gulf States. There aren’t as many rules about hunting pigs in Texas as in other states. There are also many guided hog hunts, which are a great way to hunt these pigs.

The day is the best time to hunt hogs. During the day, it is easier to find a male hog. It lets you watch how they behave and look for bigger hogs. You can also hunt hogs at night, but it will take more planning and money. You should also pay attention to the weather. If it’s very hot, the pigs may sleep in places other than where they usually do.



Kyle Vandermolen

Kyle Vandermolen’s other prominent chemical engineering positions include Operations Manager at Koch Industries KCBX Terminals in Chicago, IL.