Inktober 13

Kylin Vandermeer
1 min readOct 17, 2019

Ashes to ashes

art by author

The prompt for this was ash. Which instantly made me think of the phrase dust to dust, ashes to ashes. Which makes one think of death and life. Nothing really dies, it just changes shape. The body decays and it becomes something else, the energy the person had is dispersed like light from a dying star. The lingering effect seen for years long after the orgional source has stopped shedding light.

I used to find the idea of death terrifying, while various religions give some promise of comfort, there is no certainty. However, I think the brevity of life is what gives it some meaning. So far as we can be certain we only have one chance at life, which can be terrifying, but taken another way it can be challenge. To look at the brevity of life, that in the grand scheme of things that handfull of decades, can be taken as a challenge, to do and be the best you can in that short time.

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Kylin Vandermeer

Writer, artist, occasional philosopher, student and reader. Seeking escape from the mundane through art, knowledge and deeper thinking.