Inktober 2

Kylin Vandermeer
2 min readOct 4, 2019

mindlessly she doodled

Art by the author.

The second inktober prompt was mindless. Nothing quickly came to mind, so I doodled, and partway though I realized hey, this doodle looks a little like nuerons. (Only a little)

I love learning about the brain, and human nature. It’s why I’m in pyschology as a major. One thing that I’ve been coming more and more to realize though is that for all our belief in free will, and how much we as a society like to act like people make choices and thus deserve punishment, free will is not entirely real.

Nuerons react to things, they fire or they don’t. The choice to go for a walk, or stay in and eat ice cream, aren’t really choices at all. Probably. Even me typing probably there is likely not a choice.

As the brain changes, so does behaviour, tumours and other forms of brain damage can cause predictable changes in patterns of behaviour. Predictions which grow more and more accurate as brain imagine technology becomes more and more refined.

So what does it mean to have a mind or be mindless? If we really are “just” complex computers reacting to innumerable variables, where does that leave faith? Or responsibility?

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Kylin Vandermeer

Writer, artist, occasional philosopher, student and reader. Seeking escape from the mundane through art, knowledge and deeper thinking.