Inktober 4 — frozen in time

Kylin Vandermeer
1 min readOct 5, 2019

Tiny pieces of history

inktober 4 — Art by author

Today’s prompt was freeze, and I was originally going to try to draw ice or something frozen in ice. Then I thought about amber and that idea appealed to me a great deal more.

Amber has always fascinated me. The idea of something so entirely organic becoming a preserve that holds things from as far back as the day of the dinosaur, and maybe in farther.

Life is a fleeting thing if one looks at the grand scheme of thing, the earth is millennia old, and a human rarely lives more then a century, many less then half. Yet we have records of human action and life from ages past, from cave drawings to burial sites to monuments, humanity has attempted to remember it’s history.

And without, as far as we can tell, any real attempt on the trees, it’s left a mark to. Which makes me wonder what of our current era is going to survive? In two thousand years what will humans then think we’re like?

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Kylin Vandermeer

Writer, artist, occasional philosopher, student and reader. Seeking escape from the mundane through art, knowledge and deeper thinking.