Inktober 5

Kylin Vandermeer
2 min readOct 6, 2019


So the prompt was build, and I decided I want to attempt one of those drawings where as you work downward or toward a focal point the sketch or drawing gets more and more refined to show how a drawing comes to be. I also wanted to challenge myself. Buildings are not something I find easy to draw, in fact other then landscapes they are one of the hardest things for me to draw.

What I learned with working on this was that it really is a matter of breacking things down to simple parts. Which for the case of a building is easy enough. Some cylinders some circles, it’s just like playing with toy blocks as a child.

And that’s really how doing anything intimadating works. It’s just a matter of breacking it down into something that can be done. Writing a novel is a huge undertaking, but writing a scene, or a sentence, well that’s easy enough. And that’s something that’s important to really hold onto. To not only see the forest and the trees, but not to get so overwhelmed by the forest that even a sapling seems intimdating.

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Kylin Vandermeer

Writer, artist, occasional philosopher, student and reader. Seeking escape from the mundane through art, knowledge and deeper thinking.