
Kylin Vandermeer
1 min readOct 16, 2019

10 — Pattern

Patterns, we humans see them everywhere. From constellations to prime numbers, to the way we’ll see things that are random in sets.

It’s part of how informations is processed, everything in relation to everything else, how it fits into the pattern of our exsistence. And that’s why change to key concepts is so hard to deal with. It’s a fundamental change to the pattern. An acceptance of something different then what we’d built all our previous understanding on.

And that can be hard, even painful, becuase it often means accepting that something that was accepted before is wrong. That what we used to believe about something was wrong. And that is diffcult to accept.

But in the end, when it is, and after the growing pains have been suffered, the world can be a much more beautiful place, because widdening one’s perspective, and opening one’s mind to more possibilities, to more acceptance, is quite possibly the most beautiful thing someone can do.

If you’d like more from my inktober series



Kylin Vandermeer

Writer, artist, occasional philosopher, student and reader. Seeking escape from the mundane through art, knowledge and deeper thinking.