inktober 9

Kylin Vandermeer
1 min readOct 11, 2019


While it’s a simple piece, I’m actully rather proud of it as I didn’t use a refrence and I think I got the angles decent.

Newtons’ cradles have always fascinated me, the transference of energy and the calming click-clack as the balls go back and forth in a rytheme that gets faster as the energy is slowly dispersed and the swings get smaller and smaller.

Motivation seems like that to me sometimes. I’ll be extremely excited about something, but as I work on it, and deal with obstacles my motivation will wane, and slow, and what once got me excited becomes pure drugergy. Then someone or something will come along, and like someone pulling back on a ball on a newton’s cradle will get me fired up again.

Maybe there’s a lesson, that I somehow need to find my own inner motovation for projects so I’m not dependent on others for it. Or maybe it’s just a sign that I need community to stay passonaite about things. I prefer the later. I create for other people.



Kylin Vandermeer

Writer, artist, occasional philosopher, student and reader. Seeking escape from the mundane through art, knowledge and deeper thinking.