The Culture Balance

Kyle York
2 min readSep 13, 2016


I recently enjoyed a 90 minute GrowthHackers AMA where guests could ask me anything about my experience scaling startups. The wide range of topics hit on my opinions on culture, customers, positioning, work-life balance, employee incentives, retention, recruiting, personal development and more. People asked thoughtful questions and I tried to deliver genuine and instinctive responses. When all was said and done, it was a diverse overview on my point of views around scaling Internet companies and about business in general. It was a forum I had fun with and am hopeful the audience took away some solid nuggets in their ride to build the next great thing.

One particular thread I wanted to share was from Dani who asked about
scaling culture from the early stage startup environment to just shy of 500 global employees. At this point, I was in the flow of the format and my honest response came out naturally. I’m sharing in hopes that your company can learn a little something from ours and find the culture balance we all desire, as we scale to new heights, keep learning and improving, and aim for that once-in-a-lifetime tremendous success story.

*This was shared internally with the Dyn Executive Team*



Kyle York

CEO & Managing Partner at York IE. Startup growth & go-to-market strategy.