Why You Should Chill the F*** Out

4 min readNov 5, 2019

(…and how to do it.)

Binge watching Black Mirror doesn’t cut it.

Nor does sleeping.

There is a specific type of “relax” that we need to accomplish daily to make sure we are balanced and maintaining great health, especially mental health.

This type of response is the antithesis of the “stress response” that we live in day-to-day and is almost normal in our modern lives.

Apparently, our reptilian brains don’t know how to differentiate between being chased by a cave bear and dreading doing taxes or being late to a meeting.

The problem is, these modern-day triggers are constant. We are supposed to have this fight-or-flight response for survival, and then when the threat is gone, our systems should go back to normal.

Unfortunately, in our modern, 1st world lives, although the majority of us don’t have the life-threatening situations our ancestors did, the daily stressors are ever-present and un-ending.

This leads to the low-level inflammation that is at the root of so many diseases, especially the most prevalent, chronic ones.

So, it’s important that we are conscious about getting our daily dose(s) of proper relax, so our immune systems can stay strong, AND we can keep our sanity.

I like to call this breed of chill “awakened relaxation”. I also have seen it called “conscious relaxation”.

Getting great sleep is super important, but getting home and crashing after a long day is not really going to do it for you. You might get the sleep your body needs, but it will not help you transcend the cycle of anxiety, stress, or fatigue that you may be experiencing.

Netflix and chill-ing, having a glass of wine or reading a good book are all relaxing but these activities do not trigger the deep, awakened relaxation response that we are lacking.

Practicing awakened relaxation will allow your body and mind to calm down and will activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

This is what you want! This is your “rest and digest” mode and is essential for physical and mental health.

It helps your whole body to function more optimally, like your digestion, immune system, and your Vagus nerve…

Not to mention the impact it has on your mental health.

Your brain needs some daily lovin’ and to know, like that line from Three Little Birds, that “every little thing is gonna be alright.” If this message is not communicated, our constant stressors will continue to be blown out of proportion and plague us.

So, how do you achieve this blissful state?

Here are some effective practices:


Meditation is now highly researched and is shown to be one of the most effective ways to elicit the relaxation response.

For some of you, ironically, that just triggered yet another stress response ;-).

No worries! There are many other ways. But if you do decide to take on meditation, it can really help, and it doesn’t have to make you anxious.

There are all different types of meditation, and it doesn’t mean you have to sit there and “clear your mind.” There are more active, visualization-type meditations, or ones where you focus on the breath, scanning your body, or mantras. Your mind will wander. It’s ok. You will still get the benefits from practicing.

Going to a meditation class in your area or using an app like Headspace or Calm makes it a lot easier! If that’s too big of a leap for you right now, just practice a few minutes of deep breathing (and mindful awareness of the breath) per day.

2. Guided imagery

This mindfulness activity is easy and effective because you visualize a story that is being told to you (meditation apps often have this feature), or you can go into your own happy place. If you make “real” the sights, sounds, smells, and the emotions it brings up in you, you reap similar benefits to actually being there.

3. Magnesium

50% of Americans are deficient in magnesium, due to topsoil depletion, hybridization, etc. Magnesium helps trigger your parasympathetic nervous system (and also leads to better sleep). Consider taking a high quality magnesium supplement, or add plenty of magnesium-rich foods into your diet.

4. Medicinal mushrooms

Mushrooms like reishi, lion’s mane, and cordyceps can be very calming to the nervous system along with having many other benefits! I love Four Sigmatic, especially their Mushroom Cacao with Reishi.

And some more ideas:

Mindful, quiet walks in nature, a meditative bath or float, using essential oils like Lavender or Frankincense in your bath, in a diffuser or on your skin can trigger deep relaxation. I love the doTERRA Serenity softgels. They have lavender oil, L-Theanine, and chamomile which promotes focus, relaxation, and better sleep.

Pick one or combine a few of these practices consistently, and you will see a marked difference in your ability to unwind, a decrease in stress and a major improvement in the peace and quality of your day!

Radiate Greatness,

Kyra King, Certified Health and Wellness Coach

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