Mapbox with React hooksI have a React front-end and wanted to add maps with Mapbox. The first result after googling for react mapbox is a tutorial from the…Sep 30, 2020Sep 30, 2020
Published inMac O’ClockReinstalling the Python machine learning environment in my MacThat is conda and python 3.7, tensorflow, keras, numpy, pandas, jupyter, sklearn etc.Apr 11, 2020Apr 11, 2020
“It is not speed that kills, it is the sudden stop”Sudden stop: a term coined in 1995 that is suitable todayApr 9, 2020Apr 9, 2020
Published inLevel Up CodingA simple DIY website builderBuilding a pipeline that dynamically generates and serves websites through 11ty and nginxMar 31, 2020Mar 31, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveChallenges of data science in talent and in businessA business management perspectiveJan 30, 20201Jan 30, 20201
Make your environment variables more robust by making them more fragileIn the Devit 2016 conference in Thessaloniki, in one of the keynotes, Yegor Bugayenko explained why you need to make your software more…Jan 29, 2019Jan 29, 2019