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Your Daily Itinerary If You Were Trying To Avoid Game Of Thrones Spoilers

The struggle is real

Kyrie Gray
2 min readApr 15, 2019


7:00AM-Wake up to the sound of an old fashioned alarm clock. Do not use your mobile device. This way you are unable to automatically scroll through your phone’s messages. You know Jane can’t help but put the newest episode’s GIFs up before anyone else gets a chance.

7:30AM-Get dressed for the office and, even though the weather is warming up, grab your earmuffs. Headphones are not enough to keep people’s voices on the subway from spoiling your day and the surprising death that occurred in the season premier.

9:00AM-While in the office keep your headphones on, though you don’t have to worry too much. Your coworkers have learned to talk about the show well away from the water cooler. Usually they go across the street to the coffee shop that you don’t like.

Last year you made it clear after smashing a girl’s face in and saying, “It’s Game of Thrones. You spoil it, you die,” that you were very serious in your quest to remain ignorant of the plot. Your boss, who is still angry about the time someone unexpectedly revealed the end of Breaking Bad, understands your behavior and supports your measures.

12:00PM-Enjoy lunch in your designated cone of silence. You get the water cooler, but the…

