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I reached 1K followers!

Here’s the obligatory “what I learned” post

Kyrie Gray
3 min readDec 29, 2018


Not gonna lie, I got a little teary eyed when I saw that I had finally crossed that 1K benchmark. I’d seen the numbers slowly tick up day by day. 819. 820. 813 (not sure what happened there). 814…and so on.

Yet here I am after months of writing. Having 430(?) stories are up and 1K who people presumably like to read what I write feels good. I feel productive, funny, and like I’ve actually been improving my writing.

I wish I could say I’ve learned something profound. Yet I can’t. But I did learn some little things that my help others so here it goes.

1. Publish regularly IF that’s what you say you will do.

Not only for the algorithm but because if you say you will put something out once a week and you have readers who are looking forward to seeing your stuff, you inability to post will lead to disappointment for them and disappointment in yourself.

(note: Don’t follow this step if you need a mental or physical break)

2. Don’t be afraid to comment

For the longest time (and honestly still a little bit now) I felt too nervous to post on peoples stories. I not only hate that comments are counted as…

