How to make long-distance relationships work? Try this 7 tips

1 min readJun 12, 2024


Though they can be difficult at times, long-distance relationships can be just as rewarding as ones in which both partners are present in the same place if the appropriate techniques are used. The following seven suggestions will help long-distance relationships succeed:

1. Ensure Effective Communication

- Frequent Check-ins: Establish regular times for communication and mutual check-ins. The frequency of this might be weekly, daily, or whatever suits you both the most.
- Openness and Honesty: Be forthright about your thoughts, feelings, and any problems that may come up. Transparency fosters understanding and trust.

2. Establish Expectations and Goals:
- Relationship Objectives: Talk about and decide how you want your relationship to develop. Knowing that you’re both working for the same objectives can give you a sense of direction and purpose.
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