German propaganda outlet DERSPIEGEL writes hit piece on Milo , Mike Cernovich , Dave Rubin , others ! Fails miserably!

6 min readJun 25, 2017


German radical extreme left wing islamo-facist pro-pedophile , anti-freedom , anti-democracy , anti-police , anti-Ethnic European , anti-semitic , anti-human

trash paper DERSPIEGEL (which was founded by literal Nazis! but quickly shifted from National Socialism to INTERnational Socialism) desperately fails in another attempt to smear free thinkers on the internet.

This is part one of an unauthorized English translation :

(picture of Dave Rubin sitting on a couch , headline reads: “Trump’s army of demagogues — America’s new hate-warriors”

yes apparently soft spoken gay jewish left leaning classical liberal Dave Rubin

belongs to “America’s new hate warriors” according to DERSPIEGEL.

(hidden behind a paywall, however if you sign up, you only pay after 5 articles or so, so just register via email and you can read the entire piece in German including the pictures for free if you don’t belive this translation)

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Trump’s Army of Demagogues (Pre-Headline)

America’s new Hate-warriors (HEADLINE)

(sub-headline) Since Donald Trump is sitting in the White House, in the USA the radical right “Alt-Right” movement is blossoming. Chauvinists, Internet-trolls, Islam-haters, racists, neo-nazis and the president himself
come togehter. Who are their leaders?

(picture of author Philipp Oehmke)

(picture of Milo sucking a lollipop)
(caption) Milo Yiannopoulos:
“The troll lures his victim into a trap”

[translator’s comment: like with the Alex Jones sausage slander (which Alex Jones denied having said), a weird choice of beginning or closing an article
with not-so-subtle phallic/fellatio symbolism , referring to

by Veit Medick

People working for DERSPIEGEL seem obsessed with it, possibly revealing their islamo-facist homophobia in some bizarre fashion?]

Sunday, June 25th 2017

Of course he resides in a Trump Hotel, simply because of the symbolism.
In his room in 35th floor of the New York Trump Soho sits Milo Yiannopoulos
in front of a laptop and beats last corrections into his speech.

It is a Friday morning at the end of May, a few days after an
Islamist attacker killed 22 attendees [translator comment: attendees? not underage girls, eh? misogynist Philipp Oehmke !!!] at a Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. In two hours Yiannopoulos will hold one of his now infamous hate speeches in front of the City University of New York building on 42nd Street.

The Target of his scorn is - this time - a female muslim named Linda Sarsour.

Yiannopoulos didn’t know the woman until recently, but he got word that Sarsour will be the commencement speaker at the University in the following weak. A crude coalition of orthodox zionists, anti-islam-activists and Trump-fans has called for a counter-protest speech against Sarsour’s engagement.

And Yiannopoulos, who in February lost his job at radical right news portal Breitbart (due to alleged pedophile comments), wants finally back into the lime light.

So therefore he will hold a hate speech about a woman, whom he didn’t care about just until now.

Outside it rains like cats and dogs. Outside the window from the 35th floor, Manhattan is no longer visible.
The new velours leather Gucci boots will be ruined after this.

Yiannopolous has brought along his stylist Sebastian, who carries two suitcases with outfits and numerous Gucci bags into the hotel room. The clothing is now scattered across the room, one has to look out for not stepping onto one of the Louis Vuitton glasses.

“Don’t worry”, says Yiannopoulos, “they’re last season anyway.”

Also in the hotel room this morning: the speech writer and consultant Chadwick Moore and Matthew Perdie, who are pacing behind Yiannopoulos and give suggestions for the speech.
They just found out, that, apparently, Sarsour, the last name of the muslim speaker, in Arabic translates to cockroach. Big laughter. That’s something to work with, finds Yiannopoulos.

In bed, under a blanket, lays a young man and reads the book ‘Plant Paradox’, which is about, that healthy food is fake news and in reality is unhealthy.

Next to the door leans, tattoed forearms crossed in front of his chest, Xavier, who did 14 years in Iraq and Afghanistan for the US Marines. Around his wrist he carries the tag of an Iraq veteran fallen comrade. Yiannopoulos carries pearl chains around his forearms.

Xavier belongs to his security team, says Yiannopoulos. At least until the Trump administration deports him. Yiannopoulos alludes to the Mexican first name of the bodyguard. Everyone but Xavier laughs.

Yiannopoulos does a lot of jokes of this kind, and in this spirit he continues writing his speech for the protest. In a good mood Yiannopoulos types into his laptop: “We all agree, that Linda is a Sharia loving, terrorist supporting, jew hating ticking timebomb of the left liberal horror.
By the way, I will call her by her first name Linda” Yiannopoulos makes a short pause and looks telling to his speech writers, “because her last name is arabic for cockroach, and everyone here knows how much I hate being disrespectful”

Joy in the hotel room. Yiannopoulos exclaims: “Such things only come to me two hours in advance!”

At this moment, on the 35th floor of the Trump Hotel, it is not easy to imagine, that this cheerful, good looking, expensively clothed 33-year old man, mother German, father Greek, grown up in Kent, is supposed to be one of the most dangerous radical right agitators of the country.

On the other hand, this is common with the agitators. Especially this seems to be true with the members of the new movement, which in the USA for a while now is being called “Alt Right” and since the election of Donald Trump is getting stronger. Alt like alternative, some also say New Right or Cool Right. A cool right movement?

Since the end of the Second World War, right movements were many things, but never cool. There were Old- and Neo-Nazis, squares of the NPD [National Democratic Party of Germany, the translator], dumb skinheads, but never a broad radical right Counter-culture. Cool protest movements always
were left wing.

Alt Right is not an exact political orientation, but more a term out of quandry.
Behind it hide enemies of the left political correctness-culture, Trump-fanatics, chauvinists, trolls in social media, islam-haters, immigration-opponents, racists, Neo-Nazis.
They have in common, that they all feel more at home in onlince chats than in [political] parties. Bizarrely the governing president is part of this movement.

They try to separate themselves from the traditionally conservative,
reactionary or fascistic right movement. Alt Right ist often times young, modern or even hip, ground in the Pop and Consumer culture and big on Twitter and Instagram. Also it would be wrong to say, Alt Right is made out of left behinds or frustrated people, as is gladly claimed by Trump-voters.

Milo Yiannopoulos for example is a gay Englishman, who live with an
Afro-American in Miami. He says, he just gave his partner an electric
sports car, a Tesla, a status symbol of the left liberal Elite.
In Miami Yiannopoulos has just started Milo Inc., a planned right wing
media empire including a publishing house, YouTube channels, news websites and events. Yiannopoulos says, he collected twelve million dollars from conservative investors.

That sounds incredible. Some in the Alt-Right-scene doubt this sum.
On the other hand, Yiannopoulos is alleged to always have been the favorite child of Robert Mercer, a computer scientist, hedge fund manager and billionaire, who is considered to be the secret mastermind behind the Trump presidency. Mercer, who lives outside the public eye, not only has ten million dollars invested in Breitbart, but also financed the data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica, who screened voter profiles for Trump and
knew early on, that Clintion would not win the election. Mercer is also believed to be the one, who bankrolled Yiannopoulos’ scandalous events at universities the past summer.
Yiannopoulos himself doesn’t speak on the identity of his investors, but it is likely, that Mercer is behind the lion’s share of the capital for Milo Inc.

[to be continued, the original article is 45.000 words in German, have patience please]

