Apple vs Samsung: Their Rivalry in a Competitive market.

Kenneth Zhang
4 min readJan 24, 2019


Through the years of competitiveness, integrity, and pure innovation, Apple and Samsung have managed to take their spots in the merciless industry of electronics. Though both of them build excellent devices, it is difficult to decide between the two and which one is better than the other. Well, by reading this comprehensive comparison, you can be the judge, to decide which one is better than the other.

As stated before, Apple and Samsung are both superb companies, that build and develop excellent modifications of technology. Some may say one is better than the other, which is hard to finalize judging by what both companies strive to achieve through their business and markets. Also, Apple and Samsung both have goals that don’t necessarily purely rival their competitors. Different brands produce products for people of different incomes, maturities, and also professions, that ensure that the customers are happy with they have purchased.


Apple has always been known as an elite brand, ever since its entry into the electronics market. As we know Apple, its innovations are simply very ambitious, aiming to please and simplify the lives of the younger, middle-aged, and older generations. Though ambition is an excellent word to describe a company, sometimes, ambition can turn into a disaster. Most likely, many having read or heard about Apple’s MacBook Pro being equipped with the touch bar is a great example to represent Apple’s disastrous ambition. Though the design of the touch bar is very ambitious and an innovative leap for the MacBook Pro, it received lots of hatred and disgust. Programmers, like myself, described it as an “inconvenience” to the rest of the responsive keyboard that Apple had released. The touch bar created an odd feeling that you could guess, many did not appreciate. Aside from Apple’s ambitious attempt to impress the world with revolutionizing touch technology, the rest of Apple’s line up is exceptional, responsive, and innovative. The iPhone line up may be the most popular of the phones in the market today. The sleek and stealthy design gives users an excellent feeling, drawing little to no criticism. In conclusion, Apple produces an interesting, yet a very vast amount of devices, trying their best to cater to younger, older, and elderly customers that may be interested.


Samsung is of the less well-known companies for electronics but is very common among older and more experienced businessmen. Samsung is more geared toward producing devices that can serve as an enterprise use for brands and other companies that wish to build electronics. Samsung has a bad reputation with explosions, like the Note 7s that was recalled. Besides there odd reputation, they have developed excellent software and compatibilities with different software and other programming quirks. Samsung builds great phones that usually have more storage and longevity to their lifespan. Unlike Apple, Samsung makes very few laptops, which are also not very popular to the open world. Other than the brand’s experience with exploding phones, Samsung doesn’t seem to have many problems and other criticism with its devices. But, Samsung hasn’t been as innovative like Apple, and have always stuck to the same method of building simple but excellent phones and devices. Of the phones Samsung makes, providently, the most famous would be the S series of the electronics line up.

The Comparison

Whether you are looking for a device or just wish to read about technology, Apple and Samsung are both specialized in different areas of electronics and devices. Apple looks to sell their products to people like young innovators and people that wish to produce something of their own. Apple products allow users to be more creative and less focused on whether their laptop or device will fail on them. Samsung, though, is more focused on providing a simple yet compelling electronic for older and elderly people to use on a daily basis. Samsung products are not as saturated with the newest and quirkiest technological mechanics but sure do the job once you begin with them. In retrospect, both brands are great at what they intend to achieve. On average, more people enjoy and prefer to use Samsung devices due to their simplicity and low costs. Apple devices are more on the high end of devices, providing devices for elite and premium users. Comparably, Apple devices are usually more expensive and more costly to maintain but don’t tend to last as long as most Samsung devices. Samsung is more affordable than most phones in the market, but are purchased for the pure pride and image of the performance of the device.

