Why Scala Is Popular Programming Language?

Sophia Smith
6 min readMar 6, 2016

In reality, programmer’s success is much dependent on the application or use of any specific programming language. Therefore, in order to attain long-term success in the domain of programming, programmers are required to learn those languages that offer some sort of complexity. This is crucial to understand that programmers will not be able to achieve desired outcomes if they are not able to comprehend different complexities of programming language. In simple words, it can be assumed that Scala was developed for the sake of making Java more efficient and productive.

As far as the importance of Scala in the domain of programming languages is concerned, this is also assumed as scalable language. To a large extent, it can also be regarded as a form of general purpose programming language in which there has been so much emphasis made on functional programming. At the same time, users are allowed to take multiple benefits with the help of stagnant type system as well. Therefore, this kind of language has gained so much popularity and acceptance among different kinds of users. It was actually developed in order to overcome the shortcomings or issues of Java language and with the passage of time Scala has come up to the expectations of users to a great extent.

There are so many ways through which the effectiveness of Scala programming language could be perceived in a better way. First of all, Scala provides the feeling of scripting language because the syntax which is used in this language appears to be concise in nature. In addition, Scala is also perceived as a byte code that can be efficiently compared with the Java because Scala uses all kinds of Java tools and libraries virtually to a considerable level. The coding of Scala is easy to adapt and at the same time it can be easily managed as well, therefore, the use of Scala has been increased at a rapid pace in recent years.

The advantages of this programming language are amazing as compared to the benefits of other programming languages. This is because of the reason that this language has perfectly utilized the notions and assumptions of object-oriented as well as functional languages in a great way. This is an aspect to consider that this language can also be used as a specific workhorse language for the purpose of managing various mission critical server systems. Therefore, the users should not ignore the significance which they can achieve through the use of Scala in an efficient manner.

Reasons behind the Popularity of Scala

The way Scala has provided different kinds of benefits to its users suggests the importance of this amazing and result-oriented language in a great way. Therefore, there can be many reasons provided in order to support or endorse the popularity of this programming language. These reasons and justifications are mentioned below.

Scala is an object-oriented language

Scala is regarded as one of the most influential languages because every value or function in this language is considered as an object. In this phenomenon, every operation is also assumed as a method call and this language also endorses the use of advanced and highly improved component architectures that are actually applied with the help of classes and other traits.

The Scala language also applies the notion of pattern matchmaking in a sufficient way. At times, implied classes are also utilized so that users are also allowed to add new operations to the existing classes.

It is a functional language as well

There is no point of denying this attribute that Scala is a functional language because it does have amazing full class functions. There are other aspects incorporated with these first class functions such as a library that provide sufficiently immutable data structures and general preference of immutability over mutation. With the help of attractive and highly understandable migration Scala does offer more appealing functional style as compared to the styles of other programming languages. The effectiveness of this functionality can also be observed by this aspect that programmers are allowed to use any style according to their own preferences as Scala is not opinionated.

It is an enjoyable experience for programmers

The feedback and viewpoints of various programmers do indicate this fact that this language is easy and user-friendly as well. Therefore, there are many programmers who actually enjoy using Scala language to a great extent. According to the perceptions of programmers, Scala can be idealized as sensual and at the same time whimsical too. It is also regarded as fashionable by many programmers as it is highly perceived as an all-purpose programming language. In other words, this enjoyable experience can be easily understood with the help of strong and productive static type system that is more secured and protected in the best possible manner.

Easy To Learn : Almost

Scala is relatively easy to learn due to its proximity to Java language. In general functional programming languages are difficult to learn for object oriented programmers. However scala being a good mix of both provides a lot of similarity and flexibility to beginners.

There are plenty good scala books to choose from and start learning functional programming from scratch.

Twitter Uses Scala

The success of Scala language should be assumed in the right manner and it is possible by the help of understanding the real life example. This real life example is all about an influential and most popular interactive online social media platform which is Twitter. The Twitter uses this language for the sake of evaluating the runtime performance and its stability. Scala language is also being used by Twitter in order to estimate the developer productivity in a certain way. At the same time, the use of coding for both stagnant and dynamic language can also be examined with the help of Scala language in a great way.

Other prominent uses of Scala

There have been different kinds of uses that improve or suggest the significance of Scala in a sufficient manner. Scala language in recent years has been utilized by different entities and organizations. These entities and organizations can be perceived in the form of Foursquare, LinkedIn, Novell, EDF trading which is renowned as the largest trading corporation in Europe and Sony Pictures Entertainment as well.

Different mind blowing android apps have been written in Scala

This is another wonderful contribution which has been made by the Scala in the domain of web development. There are different kinds of productive and influential android apps developed with the help of using the concepts and notions of Scala language to a certain extent. The first app belongs to the food industry and is known as EatIn which was developed for the purpose of providing rating regarding foods in an effective way.

The other android app that has been developed in recent times is formally known as Brain N-Back which was created for the sake of enhancing the intelligence level of people. The next android app is all about increasing the vocabulary capabilities of students as well as professionals. Therefore, in reality, this app uses the concepts of spaced repetition. This app is commonly known as Painless GRE. There are other similar apps that have been developed and these are known as Painless SAT and Painless Roots.


After discussing and analyzing different attributes of Scala language this thing is very clear that this language offers so many benefits and at the same time provides peace of mind to various programmers. Therefore, it is also expected that the programmers will be able to understand the significance of Scala language in the future as there is the likelihood that the use or application of this language will be improved to the certain extent.

