Lorenzo PeppoloniinTowards Data ScienceKalman Filters for Software EngineersA deep dive into Kalman Filters, one of the most widespread and useful algorithms of all times.Jan 26, 20201Jan 26, 20201
Lorenzo PeppoloniinTowards Data ScienceWant to use BigQuery? Read thisI recently started to use BigQuery and I must admit I fell in love with the DB… This article is my attempt to explain the technology…Nov 10, 20182Nov 10, 20182
Lorenzo PeppoloniinTowards Data ScienceWhy I chose BigQuery for events analytics and why probably you should tooIn every startup comes the time when you have to design a large-scale ingestion of analytics events.Sep 25, 20181Sep 25, 20181
Lorenzo PeppoloniinTowards Data ScienceData pipelines, Luigi, Airflow: everything you need to knowThis post is based on a talk I recently gave to my colleagues about Airflow.Sep 20, 201813Sep 20, 201813
Lorenzo PeppoloniHow to smartly change function signaturesTHIS IS A TRUE STORY. The events depicted in this blog post took place in London in 2018. At the request of the survivors, the function…Sep 11, 2018Sep 11, 2018
Lorenzo PeppoloniHow to improve your GO code with empty structsThe aim of this post is to show you how amazing are empty structs in GO and I will do that showing you some examples.Aug 3, 20183Aug 3, 20183
Lorenzo PeppoloniPain free concurrency in GOThis article has been inspired by this great talk by Dave Chaney, my personal frustration on a day at work and some other references on the…Jul 27, 2018Jul 27, 2018
Lorenzo PeppoloniDo the Hard Thing on a Hard Day When No One is WatchingI stole this line from a friend of a friend working in the army…that’s his company motto and that should become the motto of any software…Jul 20, 2018Jul 20, 2018
Lorenzo Peppoloni4 Tips to Level up Your GO ProgrammingI love GO. I love how it is a programming language written by engineers for engineers. I love how it is focused on functionalities and…Jul 3, 20181Jul 3, 20181
Lorenzo PeppoloniThe simplest one rule to write good functionsSince I started to improve my software engineer skills, one thing that always puzzled me is: how to write a good function.Jun 26, 2018Jun 26, 2018