Uncertainty, Satisfaction and The Beauty Of Life.

2 min readMay 22, 2016

The present is the only reality and certainty. Nothing in this life is certain. You could argue that if you toss a coin it is certain to get a head or a tail. But in life if you toss a coin your friend might catch it in the air and you might never know the result. This is where uncertainty comes into picture. And uncertainty is what makes life beautiful and worth living.

Only one thing is certain — that is, nothing is certain. If this statement is true, it is also false. — Ancient Paradox

After some years of doing nothing but work no matter how much it pays you or how much you loved doing it, you will find yourself bored. All those energy you had while starting your career gets drained out and your life becomes boring. You will get a strong feeling to do something different.

We can never stay satisfied, we need new things and new challenges in our life. Imagine a life without any challenge, you get whatever you want without even working for it. People might think this is what heaven might look like. But I think, if you get everything you wish for without working for it, your life will be very boring and there are no bored people in heaven.

To be uncertain is to be uncomfortable, but to be certain is to be ridiculous. — Chinese Proverb

Being unsatisfied had brought humans into war, poverty, corruption, and exploitation. To be better is a basic nature of human being. Since better is relative, there is no upper bound to it. So complete satisfaction in life can never be achieved.

Being unsatisfied is also good. If we were easily satisfied with what we have, we would still be in stone age hunting animals for food. Being unsatisfied have brought humans into moon, new software versions, new features for your cell phone and better technology.

There is nothing to worry if you are unsatisfied with your current sate in life. It is common for all human beings. All you need to think is how to make it better?

There are only two things you HAVE TO do in life. You HAVE TO die. You HAVE TO live until you die. You make up all the rest.
— Anonymous

The beauty of life lies in its uncertainty. So take a break from what you have been doing and and try something different, eat a different type of food, try a new route to work or college, listen to a type of music which you wouldn’t listen to or go for a long trip without much planing. You will never know what might happen until you do it.

