Cristian Martinez
2 min readFeb 20, 2021

You can accept me or not.

I am who I am…

I have been called many things,

None that I answer to.

I remember working in a surgery unit

And during that time I was walking down the hallway getting supplies.

There was a doctor that yelled down the hallway “hey you.”

Because that is not my name, I kept on walking.

Later that day I found myself in my supervisor’s office.

I was being yelled at for being rude.

I was told I ignored a superior when they were talking to me.

I told my supervisor my name.

I also said if I call anybody anything other than their name or by their title, I would also be in this office getting talked to.

Fast forward two weeks later…

I’m talking to my team about the schedule,

We were reviewing cases for the month.

We identified the cases that needed special attention.

We also discussed special equipment needed.

Another person peaked their head into my office, made a comment and then kept walking.

Everyone looks at me with disgust on their face…

I asked them what happened?

They said did you hear what he just called you?!

I said no,

I was too busy explaining the importance of the cases we had.

Why do I share that with you?

To some people it doesn’t matter how good you are,

All they will ever do is look down on you.

Your creditials won’t matter.

Your character won’t matter.

Your resume won’t matter.

That day I realized that it doesn’t matter how the world sees me.

It matters how I see myself!

You can talk about me.

You can call me names.

You can keep opportunities from me.

You can turn your back on me.

Just like Maya Angelou said, and still I will rise.

I heard Tyler Perry say in 2018 that “instead of trying to find a seat at the table, start building your own!”

You see, despite how you see me I know my worth.

For year’s I coached basketball.

For an extraordinary amount of time my teams were undefeated.

More importantly the impact the seasons had on those boys lives made my heart sing.

Most of those young men became more confident in themselves.

Others went on to be role models for others.

Some are currently amazing leaders

Despite how you see me,

I impact lives every day!

Over the last couple of months, I have been able to speak, empower and communicate with people in 7 different countries.

While you seek the approval of your friends

Ask yourself are you comfortable in your own skin?

Do you love what you do?

I know I am…

Go out and make an impact!

If their isn’t room at table,

Be comfortable creating your own. 👊🏾