Bad hair day? How confidence is affected by our looks

Lorna Casse
3 min readOct 24, 2015


We’ve all been there: A bad hair day which progresses into a day where everything is going wrong. Why? Because the way we dress and look affects us in 4 primary ways:

  1. the way we think
  2. the way we feel
  3. the way we act or behave, and eventually
  4. the way others react or respond to us

as explained by Judith Rasband, President of Conselle Institute of Image Management.

The way we think

Sadly it is a fact, how we dress or groom ourselves affects what we think of ourselves. Whenever we are well dressed and feeling attractive, there is this surge of confidence that takes over, and we begin to think positively of ourselves and about everything else. At this point, no amount of work seems insurmountable, no bad news seems so bad or any obstacles is thought through more clearly, simply because our minds are switched in the positive mode.

The way we feel

“A positive personal appearance is a fast, effective way to boost self-confidence and overcome anxiety regarding ability or acceptance. When you appear attractively dressed and groomed, personally authentic, and appropriate for the occasion, you feel more comfortable, confident, capable, cooperative and productive. ” says Rasband.

The way we act or behave

We’ve all had instances when we’ve felt and acted awkward because we’ve felt insecure about our looks. This is part of the cycle. If we think and feel that something is wrong with our looks, we begin to express this through a series of symptoms such as being un-at-ease at work, insecurities to make decisions and more. We begin to question our abilities. A study commissioned by Procter and Gamble at Yale University demonstrated the impact of bad hair days on performance, self-esteem, social insecurity and self-criticism.

The way others react or respond to

Unfortunately, looks make a strong statement about ourselves to others. When we are well groomed and looking confident, it gets conveyed to others. There is a natural tendency for others to respond positively as well. This can have an impact both in the professional as well as social life.

Breaking the cycle

Breaking the cycle is the first thing to do in order to regain control, restore our image and thus restore our confidence. Things like a bad hair day are not just annoyances. For some, constant bad hair days are a condition that can affect quality of life.

Luckily most hair problems have a solution, making the image cycle mentioned above a non-perpetual one.

What we need: a good mix of knowledge, advice, guidance, patience and determination. The result: manageable, healthier hair, less (or no) bad hair days, and one step closer towards a more confident self.


Originally published at on October 24, 2015.



Lorna Casse

Owner of, Hair Consultant. Masters in Chemistry, Holds several patents in the hair industry. Former employee of Living Proof.