Marbella: Old Town

La Volvoreta
3 min readNov 13, 2015


Marbella and its historic center, is one of the jewels of this city. The whole area around the Plaza de los Naranjos, has a special charm and walk through the streets, it is a very inexpensive luxury.

Area around Plaza de los Naranjos

It’s almost a ritual. I like to enter from the Castle area (s. X) and down to the Church of Our Lady of the Incarnation (s. XVI), built on the ancient Great Mosque (Muslin City) ; see St. Bernabé, patron of Marbella and from here, we triying to enjoy every corner.

Marbella Castle

Old Town entrance through the Castle

As you well know, we love find the bars and local taverns.

Especially enjoyed:

- Casa Lola (Avda Miguel Cano, 26). Excellent atmosphere and tapas at a great price. The “timbal de berenjenas” (eggplant timbale), is excellent as the same as their “minihamburguesas”, the most valued by locals and outsiders. Absolutelly a must.

- Taberna El Estrecho. Kitchen open from 12:00 until 24:00. Incredible “boquerones”(anchovies) and “guiso de callos” (tripe stew). Good value.

Boquerones — El Estrecho

- Taberna La Niña del Pisto (San Lazaro, 2). A must for its tapas, its environment, its art … an evening at this place is priceless. Excellent “salmorejo cordobés” and its vermouth. Also its “rabo de toro” (oxtail), very rich. Very good “jamón de jabugo”.

Salmorejo — La Niña del Pisto

- Antonio Tasca & Friends, a classic. It is a small bar with a large terrace, which occupies almost the José Palomo Place. We loved their spinach pie.

Another local historical and on this special street (San Lazaro) is Bartolo Bar. It is a visit that will make as soon as possible.

A space, which always visit in the old town, although not a tavern, is the La Bomboniera (Caridad, 3), where I find crafts and different and original jewelry. I think your exterior aesthetics, it says a lot.

Marbella — Old Town

Well, in short, this was a touch on this visit, which will expand soon! I remind you that if you want to eat very well, You have the option of El Lago Restaurant, which we told you about in this post.

Great week to all!

Originally published at

