How To REALLY Make MONEY Using ChatGPT

2 min readJul 26, 2023


If you’ve been exploring the world of Chat GPT for a while, you might have discovered the potential it holds for making money. Many business owners, including myself, have been using Chat GPT for months, and it’s proven to be highly effective for certain tasks. The best part is, you can turn these tasks into a side hustle or even start a business without any startup costs, making it an accessible opportunity for everyone.

One lucrative path is Prompting Operations Consulting. Here’s how it works: You approach business owners and offer to consult with them on optimizing their day-to-day operations using Chat GPT. By crafting custom prompts tailored to their specific needs, you can improve their efficiency significantly. The possibilities are endless — you can work one-on-one with clients, start a consulting service, create tutorial videos, or generate prompts for various businesses to attract leads.

A helpful tool for this endeavor is the AI PRM for Chat GPT Google Chrome extension. With this extension, you gain access to an array of automated prompts created by other users. These prompts can be powerful tools for acquiring leads for your own business. For instance, by generating a buyer persona using Chat GPT, you can offer valuable insights to businesses in the marketing domain, helping them understand their target audience better.

Additionally, you can leverage Chat GPT to repurpose content for creators. For example, YouTubers often struggle with writing optimized YouTube descriptions. You can offer your services to transcribe their videos, convert them into engaging blog posts, and make them user-friendly newsletters.

Another valuable service is resume writing and portfolio creation. By using Chat GPT, you can curate skills, projects, and other relevant details to create tailored resumes for individuals looking to land their dream job. You could even go the extra mile and apply to jobs on their behalf using optimized resumes and cover letters.

If you’re tech-savvy, you can explore integrating AI into products and websites for AI startups and other businesses. While this may seem intimidating, Chat GPT can guide you through the process, making it simpler than you might expect.

One prime example of a successful business leveraging AI integration is, a writing tool using AI to produce high-quality content. It requires some human oversight, but it significantly speeds up the writing process and enhances the output.

In conclusion, Chat GPT offers a multitude of opportunities to make money, whether you choose to consult, repurpose content, provide resume writing services, or specialize in AI integration. The potential for success in this realm is vast, and with a little creativity and determination, you can turn Chat GPT into a profitable venture. So, what are you waiting for? The opportunities are knocking, and the AI world is yours to explore!




Hi, I'm Abdallah Boukouffallah, a third-year student at the Higher School of Computer Science, React and Express developer, Enthusiastic about new technologies.