iOS Development Tools

Graisorn Soisakhoo
3 min readDec 28, 2017


My personal tools and service to develop iOS project. Most of them are free and open source. I can change from free to billing service at any time.

Code Host Service

All below are support private cloud.


  • Free — Unlimited public repositories
  • Billing — Minimum ~7$/month — Unlimited private repositories
  • Pricing


  • Free — Unlimited private repositories and unlimited collaborators on a project.
  • Billing — Minimum 4$/user/month — For teams that need access to more advanced workflow features.
  • Pricing

Most company love to use GitLab with their own private cloud.


  • Free — Limited user at 5 users per team with unlimited private repositories, Jira Software integration.
  • Billing — 2$/user/month ~ 10$/month with unlimited private repositories, Jira Software integration and unlimited users.
  • Pricing

Backend and Datastore

There are 2 options


GraphCool — GraphQL

  • Free — Must display GraphCool logo, 100MB Database, 100k Requests, 100k Function calls, 100 max connections
  • Billing — Minimum ~35$/month — Scalable database, requests, function calls and connections. Also daily backups & restore
  • Pricing

Firebase — Realtime Database

  • Free — 1GB Database, 5GB Storage, etc.
  • Billing — Minimum ~25$/month — 2.5GB Database, 50GB Storage, etc.
  • Pricing

Self Develop and Host


Team Communications


  • Free — 10k team recent messages, 10 third-party or custom integrations, 5GB file storage total, One-on-One call only.
  • Billing — Minimum ~ 6.67$/active user/month billed annually | 8$/active user/month billed monthly — Unlimited messages, apps/services, custom user groups, up to 15 users on a call and screen sharing, 10GB file storage per team member.
  • Pricing

Google Hangouts — Free for Gmail users.

Task Tracking Management


  • Free — Unlimited boards, lists, cards, members, checklists, and attachments. Only 1 power-up. 10MB per file attachment.
  • Billing — Minimum ~ 9.99$/user/month billed annually — Same as free version, Unlimited power-up, 250MB per file attachment. etc.
  • Pricing


  • Free — Unlimited tasks, projects, and conversations, 15 team members, Basic dashboards and search.
  • Billing — Minimum ~ 9.99$/member/month billed annually. Unlimited team members, Unlimited dashboards, Advanced search & reporting, etc.
  • Pricing

Design and Prototypes

  • Sketch — 99$/year — Unlimited updates/years and can use purchased version forever.
  • Zeplin — 1 active project for free version or billing start at17$/month with 3 active projects. Pricing
  • MarvelApp — 2 projects/user for free version or billing start at 12$/user/month with unlimited projects. Pricing
  • Figma — Free 3 projects with 2 editors or billing start at 12$/editor/month with unlimited projects *billed annually. Pricing


  • Apollo Client for iOS — GraphQL Query Client
  • Alamofire — Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
  • ObjectMapper — Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift
  • Realm — Data layer for mobile apps
  • Hero — Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
  • URLNavigator — Elegant URL Routing for Swift
  • IQKeyboardManager — Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.
  • Texture (Former AsyncDisplayKit)— Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.

Dependencies Management

  • CocoaPods — a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. It has over 41 thousand libraries and is used in over 2.9 million apps.
  • Carthage — A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
  • Swift Package Manager — The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language

Deploy and Continuous Integration

  • Fastlane — Automate tools to handles all tedious tasks, like generating screenshots, dealing with code signing, and releasing your application.
  • BuddyBuild — A continuous integration, continuous deployment, and user feedback platform for iOS and Android development teams. There is a free version with 1 concurrent build. Pricing

Analytics and Reports Tools

  • Fabric — Fabric is a great service that come with many helpful tools like Crashlytics, Fastlane, Answers, etc.
  • Google Analytics — Analytics product made by Google :)

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