Guidelines for Robotic cable management

2 min readMay 11, 2018

To improve the efficiency of any system, you need to have certain structure. In this blog, we are going to focus on Robotic cable management, is a fundamental part of robotic efficiency, often overlooked or saved for the last part of the design process.

There are several special considerations that need to take place to ensure proper robotic cable management. If you still have questions such as, why is robotic cable management important? How can you ensure you choose the best robotic cable management solution?

The Importance

Poor management of robotic cables can lead to a number of problems. The most common is the poorly designed cable system which restricts the motion of a robotic arm. With robots becoming more flexible, we need upgrade in the cable design to match this flexibility. By preparing cables for the entire range of motion of the robot, not just application specific motions. You would not want to end up with a cable that restricts the motion, and thus the flexibility and efficiency, of the robotic arm.

Even tightly binding cables with excessive dress packs creates problems like corkscrewing. To reduce any sort of unproductive and unscheduled downtime, it is better to avoid any stress on robotic cables which accelerates their lifetime and increases the chance of failure.

Best Practices

What are the things which you can do to optimize robotic cable management? One of the most important ones is to consider six-axis robots in three different segments: the sixth axis to the third axis, the third axis to the second axis, and the second axis to the first axis. This allows maximum control over cable design and can reduce the amount of cable management equipment needed. With better control, and less strain on the cables, ensures better life for the cables.

You do not have to dismantle the entire system once the cables exceed their service life, you can replace them. The robotic cable carrier system is of great use for robotic cable management. Robotic cable carriers have spring-loaded designs to minimize catch and pinch points.

For good robotic cable management, you’ll also want to make sure all cables are in one continuous path with no pinching or loose cables around any of the axes. It’s also helpful to have the option to fully enclose cables to protect them from harsh environments, although permanently enclosed systems have their drawbacks.

Proper robotic cable management can be achieved many different ways, depending on the needs of your specific application. The tips mentioned above are some of the best ways to ensure your robotic cables aren’t hindering robotic performance.

Robotic cable management is especially important in robotic welding applications where robotic efficiency and ROI is found through excellent uptime. Check Lapp, cable manufacturers in India, for the applications which would require quality robotic cables.




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