Understanding Kadane’s Algorithm: Solving Real-Life Problems

Laaveniya Kirubaharan
4 min readSep 10, 2023


Kadane’s Algorithm is a fundamental technique used in computer science and programming to efficiently solve problems related to finding the maximum subarray sum in an array. This algorithm has a wide range of real-life applications, from finance to image processing.

What is Kadane’s Algorithm?

Kadane’s Algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm used to find the maximum subarray sum within an array of integers. It was developed by Indian computer scientist Jay Kadane in 1984. The algorithm’s beauty lies in its simplicity and efficiency — it can find the maximum subarray sum in a single pass through the array, making it a valuable tool in problem-solving.

The Problem Statement

Before we delve into the algorithm itself, let’s define the problem it aims to solve:

Given an array of integers, find the contiguous subarray (containing at least one number) that has the largest sum and return that sum.

To understand this problem better, consider an array of numbers representing daily stock prices. Kadane’s Algorithm can help identify the most significant profit that could have been made by buying and selling a stock on different days within a given period.

Kadane’s Algorithm in a Nutshell

The core idea behind Kadane’s Algorithm is to maintain two variables as you traverse the array:

  1. current_max: Keeps track of the maximum subarray sum ending at the current index.
  2. global_max: Keeps track of the maximum subarray sum encountered so far.

As you iterate through the array, you update current_max for each element. If at any point current_max becomes negative, you reset it to zero, effectively "forgetting" the negative contributions to the sum. This ensures that you only consider contiguous subarrays with positive contributions. Simultaneously, you update global_max whenever you find a larger sum.

Ruby Example: Finding the Maximum Subarray Sum

Let’s illustrate Kadane’s Algorithm with a real-world problem and a Ruby solution:

Problem: Given an array of daily stock prices, find the maximum profit that can be achieved by buying and selling the stock within a single transaction. You can only buy once and sell once.

# Step 1: Define a function that finds the maximum subarray sum.
def max_subarray_sum(nums)
# Step 2: Initialize variables to keep track of the maximum sum and the current sum.
max_sum = nums[0] # Initialize max_sum with the first element.
current_sum = nums[0] # Initialize current_sum with the first element.

# Step 3: Iterate through the array starting from the second element.
(1...nums.length).each do |i|
# Step 4: Calculate the potential current sum by either continuing the subarray or starting a new subarray.
current_sum = [nums[i], current_sum + nums[i]].max

# Step 5: Update the maximum sum if the current sum is greater.
max_sum = [max_sum, current_sum].max

# Step 6: Return the maximum subarray sum.

# Step 7: Example usage and testing of the max_subarray_sum function.
nums = [-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4]
max_sum = max_subarray_sum(nums)

# Step 8: Output the maximum subarray sum.
puts "Maximum subarray sum: #{max_sum}"

In this example, we initialize current_max and global_max to zero. We iterate through the array of stock prices, calculating the potential profit for each day and updating these variables accordingly. The max_profit function returns the maximum profit achievable with a single transaction.

Real-Life Applications

Kadane’s Algorithm extends beyond stock market analysis. Here are some common real-life problems where it can be applied:

  1. Stock Market Analysis: As demonstrated above, Kadane’s Algorithm helps find the maximum profit achievable by buying and selling stocks on different days.
  2. Maximum Subarray Sum: In various scenarios, you might need to find the maximum sum of a contiguous subarray, such as in financial forecasting or resource allocation.
  3. Data Compression: Kadane’s Algorithm can be used in image processing and data compression to identify regions with the most significant variations in pixel values.
  4. Genomic Sequence Analysis: In bioinformatics, it helps identify the most significant regions in genomic sequences.
  5. Finding the Longest Increasing Subarray: It can be used to identify the longest increasing subarray within an array of numbers.

Quote for the Day

“Have the grit and endurance to surpass vexation and strive hard to learn patterns that may not seem difficult with consistent practice and dedication. Keep pushing forward on your learning journey.”


Kadane’s Algorithm is a versatile and efficient technique for solving problems related to maximum subarray sums. Its elegance lies in its simplicity and ability to find solutions in a single pass through the data. By understanding this algorithm and its applications, you can tackle a wide range of real-life challenges, from financial analysis to data compression and beyond.

Happy coding!

