A Collection of Letters of Support for David Sabatini by Sabatini Lab Alumni and MIT Community Members

Concerned Sabatini Lab Alumni
3 min readJan 14, 2023


This letter was authored by a collection of six Sabatini Lab alumni, then signed by 45 individuals. We originally published it on April 28th, 2022.

This letter was written by a female alumni and sent to Professor Robert Sauer of MIT weeks after Sabatini resigned from the Whitehead Institute. Alumni and community members were encouraged to forward support to Prof. Sauer as part of the intended review of Sabatini’s tenure with MIT.

This letter to Robert Sauer was written by a female alumni:

This letter to Robert Sauer was written by Shomit Sengupta, a former graduate student in the Sabatini Lab.

This letter to Prof. Robert Sauer was written by Richard Possemato, a former postdoctoral fellow in the Sabatini Lab.

This letter to Prof. Robert Sauer was written by a former graduate student in the Sabatini Lab.

This letter to Whitehead director Ruth Lehmann was written by a female former staff member of the Sabatini Lab. It was originally posted to the @mTOR_Leaks Twitter handle.

This letter to MIT administrators was written by a female former MIT graduate student that was not a member of the Sabatini Lab. It was originally posted to the @mTOR_Leaks Twitter handle.

This letter was sent to Professor Robert Grossman at NYU by former graduate student Shomit Sengupta in support of NYU’s attempt to hire Sabatini in April 2022.

This letter was sent to Professors Dafna Bar-Sagi and Robert Grossman at NYU in April 2022 by a female former trainee from the Sabatini Lab in support of David’s potential hiring by NYU.

This letter was sent to Professors Dafna Bar-Sagi and Robert Grossman at NYU in April 2022 by a former trainee from the Sabatini Lab in support of David’s potential hiring by NYU. It was originally posted to the @mTOR_Leaks Twitter handle.

