Where can i get a loan with bad credit, not a payday loan?

25 min readMar 6, 2019


Where can i get a loan with bad credit, not a payday loan?

i need $1500., to pay bills and to get an apt., homeless ,stay with different friends i am working

Answer : I suggest that you visit this website where you can compare from different companies: http://personalfinancesolutions.info/index.html?src=MEDFEBBoo4teew8H .

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“”I am pre-approved for an auto loan, how likely am I to get approved?””
well for starters, I don’t think I asked for a lecture about my finances. For those asking legitimate questions, I also receive scholarships and student loans which cover my living expenses but I am not allowed to claim that as income. The $650 a month is what I make from my part-time job alone. Also, I clearly said a $12000 loan, meaning that is what the total loan amount would be, not more considering the car cost $13979 including tax,title, and license, and I have a $2000 down payment. My interest rate upon pre-approval was 2.84%, and my payments for the car would come to around $220 per month, possibly less. My father will be paying for my insurance. So now, with this information, I’d appreciate thoughtful responses. Thanks to those who decided not to lecture someone they don’t know on how they spend their money. Obviously I know how to pay my bills and budget accordingly, considering my credit score is not too shabby for a 21 year old.””

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“Where can i get a loan with bad credit, not a payday loan?

i need $1500., to pay bills and to get an apt., homeless ,stay with different friends i am working

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Whats out there besides prosper.com..my credit score is like 480 and will keep goin lower unless i can get one 4000 dollar loan to pay off my debt..of course this will put me in debt but i believe they call it consolidating my loans so now i will be makin one monthly payment and my score will not go any lower…any help?? i dont mind the high interest rates..yea u heard right….loan shark types or anything hit me up?? and please dont waste my time tellin me how evil these loan sharks are..ther horrible but im willin to put up wit it
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Can I get a auto loan with a 597 credit score?
My credit was really really bad a year ago (4-something), but within the last year I paid off alot of debt, pay my bills on time, etc. in other words I grew up. I know its still low. Now I’m in the market for a new/used auto, and wondering If I could get preapproved for a loan. I was thinking maybe Capital One………..I would prefer not to go through the stealership…………any info……..thanks””
Am I being impatient with my credit?
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Fishy sounding Payday loan debt?
I had a online payday loan I took out in 04'. I made 3 or 4 payments b4 I lost my job and forgot all about it. Well, the company quickpayday loans went out of business and another company bought the account. I had that other company call me after over 6 yrs since I took out the loan. I had every intention of paying it but the 2 different reps at the company gave me 2 different info’s as to acct #, the name of the company they were with, 2 different amounts I supposidly owe, and the phone number comes up a man out of Atlanta GA. With Credit Card fraud and identity theft, I couldnt trust the misleading ifo they were providing. When I asked the one rep this morning for quickpayday loans’ contact info, prior to knowing they were no longer in business, she said they were no longer in business, her company bought out the business, and I was not wanting to pay it. I told her that if I didnt want to pay it, I wouldnt have made 3 or 4 payments before loosing me job, of whom I used my work email as contact info, I wouldnt have made 7–8 calls to them in the last 4 days to try to rectify this, that the only reason I am not giving my creditcard info over the phone is being they sound suspicious, identity theft, and I wanted written proof showing I owe this so I have it for my records to pay it. She started threatening me saying they will take me to court, and I was trying to get away with no paying them. I told her ma’m take me to court and I hope you have recorded every conversation I have had with your company and I will inform the judge that you all have diff stories, different info. That I have no problem paying a debt I owe but I want proof and you all have not called me, my # has been the same for 10yrs, mailed me any proof, and you come out of the woodworks and just expect me to give you creditcard info? Fine take me to court. She made it seem like they’re gonna throw me in jail!!!! I figure they cant take what I dont have so….I can only let them take me to court, and pay what I can If the judge tells me to….can you tell me what you think or what ?????””
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Poor Credit Auto Loan with Trade-In?
I have poor credit due to a repossession and a few missed payments on a couple of credit cards. In a few days, I will have my current vehicle completely paid off. I need to be placed into a bigger vehicle to accomodate passengers. In searching these Q&A’s, I’ve found that most dealers will approve a car loan for someone with poor credit, if they come with a down payment. The car being traded in is worth $16k. The car I would like to take home is selling for $23k. In essence, I need a car loan for $7k. Is trading in a paid off vehicle the same as walking in with a down payment? What are the chances that I will be approved for a $7k auto loan?””
Do you know any manga like this?
EDIT: Ouran High School Host Club Skip Beat I READ THOSE ;3
How do I know when my mortgage is approved since I have already pre-approved?
ok so this has been probably asked a million times over but have been searching and not found too much…want to know…I have been pre-approved for a loan and have made an initial offer on the home. I have put down my escrow money and have already gone through the hoops for pre-approval such as bank statments, credit check, w2 forms, & tax returns. Since my initial offer is accepted and I have ordered an inspection. How long will it take for me to know if my loan is truely approved. I plan to close on July 18th 2008. Do I pay out of pocket for an appraiser or does the loan company do that? I have been told that when an a mortgage company sends out an appraiser that pretty much means you are good to go. Not so sure on that is why I ask. Any light that could be shed on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!””

Does anyone remember the credit score the guy says he has on the TV commercial for FreeCreditReport.com?

Will cancelling my Dillard’s credit card hurt my credit score?
I’m 18 years old, and never had credit before. I accidentally applied for a credit card (long story short, I was VERY stupid and mistook their Rewards Card”””” for a point card; it’s actually a credit card). I don’t want a credit card””
Credit score 750 from experian?
I just checked my credit score from experian and it was 750. I’m not sure if that is good or bad. I pay all my bills on time and never miss a payment. There were no real positives or negative factors on my credit score. I do have one credit card with a small balance on it. Do i have good credit or bad credit
After I find a new job can I file Bankruptcy?
I have bad credit and this company gove me an offer after they already completed my background check. I think I should file after accepting and start over fresh.
Does anyone know of a way to file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy online?


What credit scores are needed to get the best rates for a mercedes benz/ bmw lease?
Hello everyone, I am looking to lease either a mercedes benz or bmw. My credit score is currently 730, 700, 735 1.) Will I qualify for either of these two companies top lease rates? 2.) I know your credit score has to be excellent in order to be approved for these two companies but I was wondering if someone who works there or has worked in either of these companies can share the scores needed in order to get approved in general and approved for the best lease rates. 3.)Also anyone who has has leased and or is currently leasing a car from these two companies, it would be great if you could share the credit score that you had when you leased the vehicle. Thanks!””
Similarities between NYC Bankruptcy and US Debt troubles?
Remember years ago when NYC was bankrupting itself, funding one new social program after another, driving the city to bankruptcy. It took much to bring NYC back to profitability. First of all, it had to cut spending and benefits. It was forced to bite the bullet, by the Federal Gov’t, and eventually worked its way back to profitability. That is the same thing we must do: Bit the proverbial bullet, cut back on social programs, and learn to live within our means. Sure, it’s going to be painful, but not doing so only extends the problem into a new generation. Welfare should be the first to go. Why invest in what is mostly a parasitical sub-society who contributes nothing to the general good. Then make foreign nations pay for the medical treatment, education and benefits their citizens get here as illegal aliens. Either that, or send them home.””

Payday loans with no faxing….what?!?
anyone?..i want more than 2 answers
Whats a good Apr for an auto loan?
I already have 5.24% I just wanted to know where I should be at…
I got banned from paypal for cash advancing? what is this?
So, I recently sent funds from my paypal to a friend, using a credit card as the payment method, then that friend sent me the funds back into my paypal, then i withdrew those funds in my paypal to my checking account. I did this a few times. Now, paypal says my account is banned because I was cash advancing””””? Did they make a mistake? What exactly is this? Did they just misinterpret my actions? They said I couldn’t even make a new account; they would ban that one too. How do I fix this ridiculous ****?””””””
“Where can i get a loan with bad credit, not a payday loan?

i need $1500., to pay bills and to get an apt., homeless ,stay with different friends i am working

Where can I find a guaranteed auto loan fast with bad credit that I can trust?
I am young and have very little to bad credit so they have to guarantee approval. I need to take out a loan to cover the difference on a car I found. Its from a personal seller so I need a lender that doesn’t have to go through a dealership. He is holding the car for 2 weeks so they have to be fast. I’ve looked online and found several places that sounded good but there were so many that I didn’t know where to start and who to believe. I think online would be easiest and quickest so if you will, please let me know your experiences ASAP Also I live in south Mississippi so that could eliminate some due to distance. ANY help is GREATLY appreciated, thank you. and please no long lectures about bringing my credit score up, I am working on it but i need the money now.””

How much will bankruptcy cost me?

How do you get a free copy of your credit report?
I am looking to get a copy of my credit report so I can pay off my debts and raise my credit score so I can buy a house, does anyone know where I can get a free credit report?””
Accounting help!@!?
During 2010, Gillespie Corporation made a loan of $155,000 to a major customer. By the end of 2010 the customer had paid back $60,000 of the loan plus interest of $12,000. In the statement of cash flows for 2010, Gillespie Corporation would report: Question 22 options: A) $72,000 net cash used for investing activities. B) $95,000 net cash used for investing activities, and $12,000 cash provided from operating activities. C) A net decrease in cash and cash equivalents of $72,000 for 2010. D) $155,000 net cash used for investing activities, and $72,000 net cash provided by financing activities. thank you””
“”When you apply for an auto loan, do they call your employer to verify your employment?

Loan Calculator — Payday Loans?
Student loans seem hard to get so i’m using a loan calculator to estimate a payday load at www.paydayloan.you50.com How do you use the loan calculator?I’m loas.
Can I Buy Things Online Using A Prepaid Credit Card?
Ok well I am 16 and my parents won’t let me have a credit card. And I really wanted to buy these glasses from an online store. I bought the prepaid card today, can I use this card to pay for my glasses? It says VISA is accepted but I’m not sure if prepaid will work. My parents have to call VISA to finish activation since I am a minor. But will it work? Thanks!””
Credit Report help..what does good standing mean?
Ok so I got a free credit report but I do not understand…it was provided by my school..i have two things that I need to take care of and pay them…but there were other ten that said i was on good standing..so what does this mean?
What’s a good credit to debt ratio? Please help!!!! Any info is appreciated!?
I was a student for 3 years and lived on my own for 5 years. I was struggling with money and got my-self into too much credit debt (over $25,000!) Now I am struggling to pay them off as soon as I get a paycheck. I barely buy food or clothes or any extras (The only extra thing I but is a train pass). So I am working as hard as I can to find a way to lower my debt and interest, I tried transferring my highest percent card to a lower one (from 18.35% to 9.99%) and they declined my transfer becuase of my high debt to credit ratio. The interest alone is killing me. What’s a good credit to debt ratio before they let me transfer my money or give me an increase so I can close my highest paying card? Any info is very very very appreciated! Thank you!””
I need help finding a quick personal loan?
Can someone help me find a quick personal loan, something other than a payday loan?””

When you go online and apply for home loans does that count against your credit?
my husband and i are looking to buy a house in next couple months and we are wanting to apply for home loans at a couple different places but not if it is going to count against our credit. is there anyway that we can just see what kind of loan and payments we could get without it counting against us? which places are the best to go to?
How Far Upside Down on a car is Too Far?
Thanks for all the great answers! Thank you for taking the Time to answer. Yea! It’s called LTV (Loan to Value) and I quickly found 2 finance companys that state they do up to 120% on their websites. Here’s a great article about it too. http://www.carsdirect.com/auto-loans/car-loan-value-why-its-important I went to the dealer tonight and I’m upside down, 6K according to them, I didn’t take the deal but he actually said he would try to put it through. You never know”””” is what he told me. I figured I was about 130% LTV on the car. I give up for now””
Do credit reporting agencies like Credit Karma actually hurt my credit score by repeatedly checking it?
I am told that checking your credit score too often can actually count against you. I have a Credit Karma account and get score reports quarterly. Does that have any effect on my credit score?
Should I file for bankruptcy?
I have about 30k in debt and feeling very overwhelmed. Visa Balance: 16,000 (16,500 limit) — 10.5% interest MC Balance: 3,000 (3,500 limit) — 11.4% interest Personal Loan: 10,000–7.25% interest I make at least the minimum payment due on all my accounts on time, and have no files sent to collections against me. I recently moved back in with my parents to save money. My annual salary is 55,000. Take home pay is about 3,000/month and I’ve reduced my monthly expenses (not including credit card/loan payments of interest) 1,000/month. 26, no savings, no property, not married, no kids, very steady job. Thanks for the advice! P.S. Asking family/friends for money is not an option. .””
Can I get a 3 day right of rescision on my new auto loan if the dealer has a document stating otherwise?

Which credit search websites are actually free to check your credit history?

Accounts after Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
I filed bankruptcy in sep 2005, I have been reviewing my credit report and it does show my accounts as debt included in bankruptcy”””” but it still shows credit limt/ orginal amount and it shows what the amount was””
What company should I use to consolidate all my credit card debts?
There’s so many companies out there that’s willing to consolidate my debts but which one does it the best?
“”Is a rider to a deed of trust or Mortgage repacement of a deed of trust or mortgage ??””””

“”Call of duty: black ops, whats the best gun in zombies mode?””
I like automatic guns, so no semi-automatic guns please… and i already no the thunder gun is amazing.. so in your opinion what is the best automatic gun in zombies mode for call of duty black ops? .. Also what gun do you think is the best upgraded with Pack-o-Punch? Thanks in advance, just trying to improve my game play by knowing what guns i should and shouldn’t buy =)””
Should I consider filing for Bankruptcy?
My credit is awful. I’ve been unemployed for close to 2 years now, it’s been so hard finding any work. I was already sent to a collection agency, got out of that than recently was offered a lowered interest rate but that’s now gone too and my account is sent back to a collector again. I don’t own any other accounts just this one credit card, but my balance is over 9k. Should I be considering filing for bankruptcy?””

Anyone know where I could find out my credit?
I was wondering how I could get a copy of my credit report without having to have a credit card number??? I have been calling banks and no help, I tryed the free credit report.com but I hear they charge you and plus you need a credit card for it. I need to know my debts so I can get them all cleared up and squared away. Any ideas how I could get one fast??? Please help :)””
“Where can i get a loan with bad credit, not a payday loan?

i need $1500., to pay bills and to get an apt., homeless ,stay with different friends i am working



How do you get a nice car with bad credit without having a co signer?

Has anyone use a nonprofit debt consolidation company? if it makes a dif I’m in PA- plz give me warnings too!?
IN 2005 I discovered that my sister (who had been living with us at the time for a few years) had gotten a few credit cards in my name. It was a little out of control- but we paid it all off….3 years later I heard my sister speaking with a man who had knocked at the door and she told him I wasnt home- when I asked her what it was about she was really evasive…I continued to push the topic and it turns out she opened ANOTHER credit card and never paid it off and I was being sued for it. We went to court, explained the circumstances (shes a jerk), negotiated the amount and I paid it off. I knew it would be at least 7 years before my credit would be worth looking at so I never did. OMG was that the second biggest mistake I ever made! (First was letting that crack head live with me). I have 3 judgements against my house totalling almost $11,000. I did somewhat learn my lesson- i haven’t spoken to that idiot in 3 years- good riddance to bad rubbish-shes my sister and I love her and I hope she does something good with her life but she ONLY does BAD with MY life so shes out. But I’m still not willing to press charges or anything like that (I’m not even sure I could this late in the game). How do I pay these off? Is there any chance I can get the amounts reduces? I have SOME of the information- the name of the company that owns the debts and the account numbers, but when I looked up the name of one of the companies to get the number so I could just pay them I read AWFUL things about them. For starters- they will treat me horribly, which I understand- as far as they are concerned I’m just some deadbeat who didn’t pay my bills and am probably an only child making up this sister just to not look like such a scum-bag. Secondly- from what I’ve read they don’t notify the credit bureau once they get paid! Its bad enough that I have to pay financially for HER ignorance- I shouldn’t have to pay with such emotional strain as well! Is there anyone out there who has accumulated some debt then used a consolidation company to help them get there credit affairs back in order- a company that treated them with respect and dignity? Thats what I am looking for…a company that doesn’t need to know all the background info- just willing to help me from this point forward. Ive never done this before, so if you have ANY advise for me please feel free to pay it! Horror stories are totally welcome- the last thing I need to do is pay some other company $11,000 only to find out they kept it for themselves thru some crazy loop hole! Thank you everyone!!””

“”Has anyone used a credit repair company, with any success?””
I’m thinking about using one, but I am skeptical as to whether they actually remove derogatory items from your credit. Any insight on this will be greatly appreciated.””
What is the best credit card to get?

Finding the best mortgage company for loan to really finally own the house from the bank?
Its been really frustrating to find a mortgage company to be able to pay off my house. I have went to zillow.com, freeratesearch.com and all the other mortgage search website online. It is hard to pick one because of all the scary reviews of all these company’s not being truthful and being a headache to some people. is there really no really good mortgage company to go to? I live in Hawaii where money is really tight because of the high standards of living. Any suggestion and real experiences is welcome. Thank you.””
What does 30 yr. 5/1 ARM mean?
Looking to buy a home. Thank You!
How to get a loan number…? Please help!!!?
Say you have a property address for a short sale listed property and you want to submit a short sale offer to the lender but do not have the loan number. without going through the selling agent and the sellers, is there any way to get the loan number for that property? Bank will not accept short sale offers without a loan number for that property and even if you have the property address they still wont give you the loan number. Is it possible that there are other sources besides the lender, realtor, and sellers, where you might be able to get a loan number by giving a property address. i have already tried a couple of title companies but was unsuccessful. PLEASE HELP, i have a buyer for a property and i have submitted the offer to the selling agent since 3 weeks now, but, everytime i call him to find out whats going on, he says waiting for the banks response””
Is anyone familiar with the bankruptcy laws in NJ?
I want to claim bankruptcy, but I need a vehicle to work. I have leased vehicled. Can you keep that?””
I need a loan for 700$(not a payday loan) and long term 6 month plus?
I need 700$ for equipment for my job. I dont necessarily have bad credit I have one item on my report and Its recently been taken care of but I still get screwed. I need the equipment to keep my job. I dont understand why I couldnt get a loan because I make my insurance and my car payments on time always. I just got a new job a month ago that could be hurting me but my previous job I had for over two years and I was a managers. Please any advice would help.
Student Loan: Possible with horrible credit and no cosigner?
Hi! I am trying to get a student loan since I was denied for FAFSA. My parents made too much money last year and even though they are NOT helping me pay for school, it doesn’t matter. Yay… So I need to get a student loan for community college for two years equaling to about $15,000 most likely. I have horrifically bad credit (I was young and stupid) and no co-signer. What are the possibilities I can get a loan? And what avenues should I take for my best options? And if I am not mistaken, the loans are repaid after graduation, correct? Thank you so much!””
“”Whats the best auto loan rate to apply for? I live in Chicago. So far I was approve for 7.9 APR on $17,000 car””
Capital One approved me 7.9 APR on a new $17000 car. Well, is there another financing company that can beat what they gave me? If so then I will apply for thier loan. I have very good credit and a decent job plus I live with parents, so I have no bills except cell phone bill.””

How do i clean up and raise my fico? ?
I have some old medical bills that report on my credit. Most are paid but continue to report unpaid. I recently tried to purchase a car and was declined by nearly every bank. I was shocked to learn my transunion score was in the low 4s. Help!
Auto loan from capitol one?
How do I find out who I owe money to on my Credit Score?
Thanks, your answer is gonna be picked. I’m good, I have no clue where it came from, I see where I owed afni the at&t company their money I guess it was just late charges added on, but thats gone on their other”””” and I see my car an credit card which is all the correct amounts. Thanks a lot this was real helpful!””””””
How can i get a Free check credit report? what’s website? Help me! thanks..guys?

What happens if you can not pay your Check n Go loan right on time?
I took out a Christmas loan with Check n’ Go. My check did not come on time, and I was told the money would be there tomorrow. I offered to come by and give them a check, but they refused. She also told me that if I did not come in today that the company would come and collect my file? What does that mean? I called and told them that I am unable to pay today but would be there as soon as possible. What can or will they do in 24 hours?””
Where is a trustworthy place on the internet to get a free credit report?

Bad Credit personal loan?
Can I get a bad credit personal loan from any loan companies other than payday loans.

How can i get a car loan having no credit or co signer?
im 19 just out of high school and my first car took a dump and costs more to fix than its worth. i have 1200 (and counting) to put down on a car but im getting rejected on every car i try to get. i have only been on my current job for 9 months, and nobody i know can co sign for me how can i get a loan with no co signer?””

“Where can i get a loan with bad credit, not a payday loan?

i need $1500., to pay bills and to get an apt., homeless ,stay with different friends i am working

